Template::Alloy::Velocity - Velocity (VTL) role
The Template::Alloy::Velocity role provides the syntax and the
interface for the Velocity Templating Language (VTL). It also brings many of
the features from the various templating systems.
See the Template::Alloy documentation for configuration and other
The following documents have more information about the velocity
Add language usage and samples.
- "parse_tree_velocity"
- Used bh the parse_tree method when SYNTAX is set to 'velocity'.
- "merge"
- Similar to process_simple, but with syntax set to velocity.
- The magic Java Velocity property lookups don't exist. You must use the
actual method name, Alloy will not try to guess it for you. Java Velocity
allows you to type $object.Attribute and Java
Velocity will look for the Attribute, getAttribute, getattribute,
isAttribute methods. In Perl Alloy, you can call
$object.can('Attribute') to introspect the
- Escaping of variables is consistent. The Java Velocity spec is not. The
velocity spec says that "\\$email" will return
"\\$email" if email is not defined and it will return
"\foo" if email is equal to "foo". The slash behavior
magically changes according to the spec. In Alloy the "\\$email"
would be "\$email" if email is not defined.
- You can set items to null (undefined) in Alloy. According to the Java
Velocity reference-guide you have to configure Velocity to do this. To get
the other behavior, you would need to do
"#if($questionable)#set($foo=$questionable)#end". The default
Velocity spec way provides no way for checking null return values.
- There currently isn't a "literal" directive. The VTL
reference-guide doesn't mention #literal, but the user-guide does. In
Alloy you can use the following:
#get('#foreach($a in [1..3]) $a #end')
We will probably add the literal support - but it will still
have to parse the document, so unless you are using compile_perl, you
will parse literal sections multiple times.
- There is no "$velocityCount" . Use "$loop.count"
- In Alloy, excess whitespace outside of the directive matters. In the VTL
user-guide it mentions that all excess whitespace is gobbled up. Alloy
supports the TT chomp operators. These operators are placed just inside
the open and close parenthesis of directives as in the following:
#set(~ $a = 1 ~)
- In Alloy, division using "/" is always floating point. If you
want integer division, use "div". In Java Velocity,
"/" division is integer only if both numbers are integers.
- Perl doesn't support negative ranges. However, arrays do have the reverse
#foreach( $bar in [-2 .. 2].reverse ) $bar #end
- In Alloy arguments to macros are passed by value, not by name. This is
easy to achieve with alloy - simply encase your arguments in single quotes
and then eval the argument inside the macro. The velocity people claim
this feature as a jealously guarded feature. My first template system
"WrapEx" had the same feature. It happened as an accident. It
represents lazy software architecture and is difficult to optimize.
Paul Seamons <paul@seamons.com>
This module may be distributed under the same terms as Perl