TSMgmtSourceGet - TSMgmtSourceGet API function

#include <ts/ts.h>

Get the source of a value for a configuration variable. var_name is the name of the variable as a nul terminated string. The source value is stored in result. The function can return failure if var_name is not found.

Source of the current value for a management (configuration) value.
Invalid value, no source available. This is primarily used as an initialization or error value and should be returned only when the API call fails.

The default value provided by the Traffic Server core.

The configuration variable was created by a plugin and the value is the default value provided by a plugin.

The value has been set in records.config. Note this value is returned even if the variable was explicitly set to the default value.

The value was retrieved from the process environment, overriding the default value.

TS_SUCCESS if the var_name was found, TS_ERROR if not.

2024, dev@trafficserver.apache.org

April 1, 2024 9.2