System::Info(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation System::Info(3pm)

System::Info - Factory for system specific information objects

    use System::Info;
    my $si = System::Info->new;
    printf "Hostname:              %s\n", $si->host;
    printf "Number of CPU's:       %s\n", $si->ncpu;
    printf "Processor type:        %s\n", $si->cpu_type; # short
    printf "Processor description: %s\n", $si->cpu;      # long
    printf "OS and version:        %s\n", $si->os;


    use System::Info qw( sysinfo );
    printf "[%s]\n", sysinfo ();


    $ perl -MSystem::Info=si_uname -le print+si_uname

System::Info tries to present system-related information, like number of CPU's, architecture, OS and release related information in a system-independent way. This releases the user of this module of the need to know if the information comes from Windows, Linux, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, Irix, or VMS, and if the architecture is i386, x64, pa-risc2, or arm.

Factory method, with fallback to the information in "POSIX::uname ()".

"sysinfo" returns a string with "host", "os" and "cpu_type".

"sysinfo_hash" returns a hash reference with basic system information, like:

  { cpu       => 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz (GenuineIntel 2700MHz)',
    cpu_count => '1 [8 cores]',
    cpu_cores => 8,
    cpu_type  => 'x86_64',
    distro    => 'openSUSE Tumbleweed 20171030',
    hostname  => 'foobar',
    os        => 'linux - 4.13.10-1-default [openSUSE Tumbleweed 20171030]',
    osname    => 'Linux',
    osvers    => '4.13.10-1-default'

This class gathers most of the uname(1) info, make a comparable version. Takes almost the same arguments:

    a for all (can be omitted)
    n for nodename
    s for os name and version
    m for cpu name
    c for cpu count
    p for cpu_type

There are more modules that provide system and/or architectural information.

Where System::Info aims at returning the information that is useful for bug reports, some other modules focus on a single aspect (possibly with way more variables and methods than System::Info does supports), or are limited to use on a specific architecture, like Windows or Linux.

Here are some of the alternatives and how to replace that code with what System::Info offers. Not all returned values will be exactly the same.

 use Sys::Hostname;
 say "Hostname: ", hostname;
 use System::Info;
 my $si = System::Info->new;
 say "Hostname: ", $si->host;

Sys::Hostname is a CORE module, and will always be available.

 use Unix::Processors;
 my $up = Unix::Processors->new;
 say "CPU type : ", $up->processors->[0]->type; # Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
 say "CPU count: ", $up->max_physical;          # 4
 say "CPU cores: ", $up->max_online;            # 8
 say "CPU speed: ", $up->max_clock;             # 2700
 use System::Info;
 my $si = System::Info->new;
 say "CPU type : ", $si->cpu;
 say "CPU count: ", $si->ncpu;
 say "CPU cores: ", $si->ncore;
 say "CPU speed: ", $si->cpu =~ s{^.*\b([0-9.]+)\s*[A-Z]Hz.*}{$1}r;

The number reported by max_physical is inaccurate for modern CPU's

Sys::Info has a somewhat rigid configuration, which causes it to fail installation on e.g. (modern versions of) CentOS and openSUSE Tumbleweed.

It aims at returning a complete set of information, but as I cannot install it on openSUSE Tumbleweed, I cannot test it and show the analogies.

 use Sys::CPU;
 say "CPU type : ", Sys::CPU::cpu_type;  # Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
 say "CPU count: ", Sys::CPU::cpu_count; # 8
 say "CPU speed: ", Sys::CPU::cpu_clock; # 2700
 use System::Info;
 my $si = System::Info->new;
 say "CPU type : ", $si->get_cpu;         # or ->cpu
 say "CPU count: ", $si->get_core_count;  # or ->ncore
 say "CPU speed: ", $si->get_cpu =~ s{^.*\b([0-9.]+)\s*[A-Z]Hz.*}{$1}r;

The speed reported by Sys::CPU is the current speed, and it will change from call to call. YMMV.

Sys::CPU is not available on CPAN anymore, but you can still get is from BackPAN.

Devel::Platform::Info derives information from the files "/etc/issue", "/etc/.issue" and the output of the commands "uname -a" (and "-m", "-o", "-r", and "-s") and "lsb_release -a". It returns no information on CPU type, CPU speed, or Memory.

 use Devel::Platform::Info;
 my $info = Devel::Platform::Info->new->get_info ();
 # { archname => 'x86_64',
 #   codename => 'n/a',
 #   is32bit  => 0,
 #   is64bit  => 1,
 #   kernel   => 'linux-5.17.4-1-default',
 #   kname    => 'Linux',
 #   kvers    => '5.17.4-1-default',
 #   osflag   => 'linux',
 #   oslabel  => 'openSUSE',
 #   osname   => 'GNU/Linux',
 #   osvers   => '20220426',
 #   }
 use System::Info;
 my $si = System::Info->new;
 my $info = {
    archname => $si->cpu_type,       # x86_64
    codename => undef,
    is32bit  => undef,
    is64bit  => undef,
    kernel   => "$^O-".$si->_osvers, # linux-5.17.4-1-default
    kname    => $si->_osname,        # Linux
    kvers    => $si->_osvers,        # 5.17.4-1-default
    osflag   => $^O,                 # linux
    oslabel  => $si->distro,         # openSUSE Tumbleweed 20220426
    osname   => undef,
    osvers   => $si->distro,         # openSUSE Tumbleweed 20220426

This one does not return the OS information as such, but features an alternative to $^O.

Interface to FreeDesktop.Org's os-release standard.

 use Sys::OsRealease;
 my $i = Sys::OsRelease->instance;
 say $i->ansi_color;                 # 0;32
 say $i->bug_report_url;             #
 say $i->cpe_name;                   # cpe:/o:opensuse:tumbleweed:20220426
 say $i->documentation_url;          #
 say $i->home_url;                   #
 say $i->id;                         # opensuse-tumbleweed
 say $i->id_like;                    # opensuse suse
 say $i->logo;                       # distributor-logo-Tumbleweed
 say $i->name;                       # openSUSE Tumbleweed
 say $i->pretty_name;                # openSUSE Tumbleweed
 say $i->version_id;                 # 20220426

(c) 2016-2023, Abe Timmerman & H.Merijn Brand, All rights reserved.

With contributions from Jarkko Hietaniemi, Campo Weijerman, Alan Burlison, Allen Smith, Alain Barbet, Dominic Dunlop, Rich Rauenzahn, David Cantrell.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

2023-08-11 perl v5.36.0