StdLabels(3o) | OCaml library | StdLabels(3o) |
StdLabels - Standard labeled libraries.
Module StdLabels
Module StdLabels
: sig end
Standard labeled libraries.
This meta-module provides versions of the StdLabels.Array , StdLabels.Bytes , StdLabels.List and StdLabels.String modules where function arguments are systematically labeled. It is intended to be opened at the top of source files, as shown below.
open StdLabels
let to_upper = ~f:Char.uppercase_ascii
let seq len = List.init ~f:(function i -> i) ~len
let everything = Array.create_matrix ~dimx:42 ~dimy:42 42
module Array : (module ArrayLabels)
module Bytes : (module BytesLabels)
module List : (module ListLabels)
module String : (module StringLabels)
2023-10-26 | OCamldoc |