SoXtSpaceball(3IV)() SoXtSpaceball(3IV)()

SoXtSpaceball — translates and reports events for the spaceball

SoXtDevice > SoXtSpaceball

#include <Inventor/Xt/devices/SoXtSpaceball.h>

enum Mask {

SoXtSpaceball::MOTION Spaceball translation and rotation events

SoXtSpaceball::PRESS Spaceball button press events

SoXtSpaceball::RELEASE Spaceball button release events

SoXtSpaceball::ALL All spaceball events


Methods from class SoXtSpaceball:

SoXtSpaceball(SoXtSpaceball::Mask mask = SoXtSpaceball::ALL)

SoXtSpaceball(Display *d, SoXtSpaceball::Mask mask = SoXtSpaceball::ALL)


void setRotationScaleFactor(float f)

float getRotationScaleFactor() const

void setTranslationScaleFactor(float f)

float getTranslationScaleFactor() const

static SbBool exists()

static SbBool exists(Display *d)

Methods from class SoXtDevice:

virtual void enable(Widget w, XtEventHandler f, XtPointer data, Window win = NULL)

virtual void disable(Widget w, XtEventHandler f, XtPointer data)

virtual const SoEvent * translateEvent(XAnyEvent *xevent)

void setWindowSize(const SbVec2s &size)

const SbVec2s & getWindowSize() const

This class manages events generated by the spaceball, including spaceball motion (SoMotion3Event), and spaceball button press and release events (SoSpaceballButtonEvent).

SoXtSpaceball(SoXtSpaceball::Mask mask = SoXtSpaceball::ALL)

SoXtSpaceball(Display *d, SoXtSpaceball::Mask mask = SoXtSpaceball::ALL)


Constructor and destructor. Pass to the constructor an enumerated value specifying which spaceball events are of interest. Only those events will be reported to the callback routine registered on each widget. The first constructor uses the X display which was set in SoXt::init().

void setRotationScaleFactor(float f)

float getRotationScaleFactor() const

Set and get the rotation scale factor. The scale factor is applied to the rotation value generated by the spaceball device. The default rotation scale factor is .006.

void setTranslationScaleFactor(float f)

float getTranslationScaleFactor() const

Set and get the translation scale factor. The scale factor is applied to the translation value generated by the spaceball device. The default translation scale factor is .006.

static SbBool exists()

static SbBool exists(Display *d)

This returns TRUE if the spaceball exists, either on the X display which was set in SoXt::init(), or on the passed display.

SoXt, SoXtDevice, SoMotion3Event, SoSpaceballButtonEvent