SoXtPrintDialog(3IV)() SoXtPrintDialog(3IV)()

SoXtPrintDialog — dialog box for controlling printing

SoXtComponent > SoXtPrintDialog

#include <Inventor/Xt/SoXtPrintDialog.h>

typedef void SoXtPrintDialogCB(void *userData, SoXtPrintDialog *dialog)

Methods from class SoXtPrintDialog:

SoXtPrintDialog(Widget parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent = TRUE)


void setSceneGraph(SoNode *root )

SoNode * getSceneGraph()

void setSceneGraph(SoPath *path )

SoPath * getSceneGraphPath()

void setGLRenderAction(const SoGLRenderAction *act)

SoGLRenderAction * getGLRenderAction()

void setPrintSize(SbVec2f &inches)

void setPrintSize(SbVec2s & )

void setBeforePrintCallback(SoXtPrintDialogCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void setAfterPrintCallback(SoXtPrintDialogCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

Methods from class SoXtComponent:

virtual void show()

virtual void hide()

SbBool isVisible()

Widget getWidget() const

SbBool isTopLevelShell() const

Widget getShellWidget() const

Widget getParentWidget() const

void setSize(const SbVec2s &size)

SbVec2s getSize()

Display * getDisplay()

void setTitle(const char *newTitle)

const char * getTitle() const

void setIconTitle(const char *newIconTitle)

const char * getIconTitle() const

void setWindowCloseCallback(SoXtComponentCB *func, void *data = NULL)

static SoXtComponent * getComponent(Widget w)

const char * getWidgetName() const

const char * getClassName() const

This class provides an interactive widget for setting available options used in printing with the SoPrintAction and its subclasses. Options include whether to print with hidden lines or not, whether to print using the Landscape format, whether to print to a file or a printer.

SoXtPrintDialog(Widget parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent = TRUE)


Constructors and destructor.

void setSceneGraph(SoNode *root )

SoNode * getSceneGraph()

void setSceneGraph(SoPath *path )

SoPath * getSceneGraphPath()

Sets/gets the root node or path to nodes to be used for printing.

void setGLRenderAction(const SoGLRenderAction *act)

SoGLRenderAction * getGLRenderAction()

Sets/gets the render action to be used when printing.

void setPrintSize(SbVec2f &inches)

void setPrintSize(SbVec2s & )

Sets/gets the size of the printed image. This is typically the same size as the window displaying the scene to be printed.

void setBeforePrintCallback(SoXtPrintDialogCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void setAfterPrintCallback(SoXtPrintDialogCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

Two callbacks are maintained, one which gets called just before a print is executed, and one which gets called after a print is executed. These two methods sets the appropriate callback function (set these to NULL to remove the callback).

SoGLRenderAction, SoXtComponent