SoXtMaterialEditor(3IV)() SoXtMaterialEditor(3IV)()

SoXtMaterialEditor — Component which lets you edit a material interactively

SoXtComponent > SoXtMaterialEditor

#include <Inventor/Xt/SoXtMaterialEditor.h>

typedef void SoXtMaterialEditorCB(void *userData, const SoMaterial *mtl)

enum UpdateFrequency {

SoXtMaterialEditor::CONTINUOUS send updates with every mouse motion

SoXtMaterialEditor::AFTER_ACCEPT only send updates after user hits accept button


Methods from class SoXtMaterialEditor:

SoXtMaterialEditor(Widget parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent = TRUE)


void attach(SoMaterial *material, int index = 0)

void detach()

SbBool isAttached()

void addMaterialChangedCallback(SoXtMaterialEditorCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void removeMaterialChangedCallback(SoXtMaterialEditorCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void setUpdateFrequency(SoXtMaterialEditor::UpdateFrequency freq)

SoXtMaterialEditor::UpdateFrequency getUpdateFrequency()

void setMaterial(const SoMaterial &mtl)

const SoMaterial & getMaterial() const

Methods from class SoXtComponent:

virtual void show()

virtual void hide()

SbBool isVisible()

Widget getWidget() const

SbBool isTopLevelShell() const

Widget getShellWidget() const

Widget getParentWidget() const

void setSize(const SbVec2s &size)

SbVec2s getSize()

Display * getDisplay()

void setTitle(const char *newTitle)

const char * getTitle() const

void setIconTitle(const char *newIconTitle)

const char * getIconTitle() const

void setWindowCloseCallback(SoXtComponentCB *func, void *data = NULL)

static SoXtComponent * getComponent(Widget w)

const char * getWidgetName() const

const char * getClassName() const

This class is used to edit the material properties of an SoMaterial node. The editor can also directly be used using callbacks instead of attaching it to a node. The component consists of a render area displaying a test sphere, some sliders, a set of radio buttons, and a menu. The sphere displays the current material being edited. There is one slider for each material coefficient. Those fields are ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive (all of which are colors); and transparency and shininess (which are scalar values). A color editor can be opened to edit the color slider base color. A material list displays palettes of predefined materials from which to choose.

The editor can currently be attached to only one material at a time. Attaching two different materials will automatically detach the first one before attaching the second.

SoXtMaterialEditor(Widget parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent = TRUE)


Constructor and destructor.

void attach(SoMaterial *material, int index = 0)

void detach()

Attach/detach the editor to a material node and edit the material of the given index.

SbBool isAttached()

Returns TRUE if the editor is attached.

void addMaterialChangedCallback(SoXtMaterialEditorCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void removeMaterialChangedCallback(SoXtMaterialEditorCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

Additional way of using the material editor, by registering a callback which will be called whenever the material changes (check the UpdateFrequency to find when the callbacks will be called).

void setUpdateFrequency(SoXtMaterialEditor::UpdateFrequency freq)

SoXtMaterialEditor::UpdateFrequency getUpdateFrequency()

Sets/gets the update frequency. See the UpdateFrequency enum declaration.

void setMaterial(const SoMaterial &mtl)

const SoMaterial & getMaterial() const

Set a new material value, and get the current material value.

*SoXtMaterialEditor.tile1Color: #4c4c4c (color name or hex value) *SoXtMaterialEditor.tile2Color: #999999 (color name or hex value) *SoXtMaterialEditor.light1Color: white (color name or hex value) *SoXtMaterialEditor.light2Color: white (color name or hex value) *SoXtMaterialEditor.updateFrequency: continuous (continuous | manual)

SoXtComponent, SoXtMaterialList, SoXtDirLightEditor, SoMaterial