SoXtKeyboard(3IV)() SoXtKeyboard(3IV)()

SoXtKeyboard — translates and reports events for the keyboard

SoXtDevice > SoXtKeyboard

#include <Inventor/Xt/devices/SoXtKeyboard.h>

#define SO_XT_ALL_KEYBOARD_EVENTS (KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask)

Methods from class SoXtKeyboard:

SoXtKeyboard(EventMask mask = SO_XT_ALL_KEYBOARD_EVENTS)


Methods from class SoXtDevice:

virtual void enable(Widget w, XtEventHandler f, XtPointer data, Window win = NULL)

virtual void disable(Widget w, XtEventHandler f, XtPointer data)

virtual const SoEvent * translateEvent(XAnyEvent *xevent)

void setWindowSize(const SbVec2s &size)

const SbVec2s & getWindowSize() const

This class manages events generated by the keyboard, including key press and release events (SoKeyboardEvent).

SoXtKeyboard(EventMask mask = SO_XT_ALL_KEYBOARD_EVENTS)


Constructor and destructor. To the constructor, pass which keyboard events you are interested in as a bitwise OR of the following values:

KeyPressMask — Key press events

KeyReleaseMask — Key release events

Or simply pass the defined value SO_XT_ALL_KEYBOARD_EVENTS for all keyboard events. The device will only report events of this type for the widget it is enabled on.

SoXtDevice, SoKeyboardEvent