SoWriteAction(3IV)() SoWriteAction(3IV)()

SoWriteAction — Writes a scene graph to a file

SoAction > SoWriteAction

#include <Inventor/actions/SoWriteAction.h>

Methods from class SoWriteAction:


SoWriteAction(SoOutput *out)

SoOutput * getOutput() const

Methods from class SoAction:

virtual void apply(SoNode *node)

virtual void apply(SoPath *path)

virtual void apply(const SoPathList &pathList, SbBool obeysRules = FALSE)

static SoType getClassTypeId()

virtual SoType getTypeId()

virtual SbBool isOfType(SoType type)

virtual void invalidateState()

This class is used for writing scene graphs to files. It contains an SoOutput instance that by default writes to the standard output. Methods on the SoOutput can be called to specify what file or memory buffer to write to.



SoWriteAction(SoOutput *out)

Constructor that takes an SoOutput to use for output.

SoOutput * getOutput() const

Returns pointer to SoOutput instance in action.
