SoTransformerDragger(3IV)() SoTransformerDragger(3IV)()

SoTransformerDragger — box-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse

SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoNode > SoBaseKit > SoInteractionKit > SoDragger > SoTransformerDragger

#include <Inventor/draggers/SoTransformerDragger.h>

Fields from class SoTransformerDragger:

SoSFRotation rotation

SoSFVec3f translation

SoSFVec3f scaleFactor

SoSFFloat minDiscRotDot

Fields from class SoDragger:

SoSFBool isActive

Fields from class SoInteractionKit:

SoSFEnum renderCaching

SoSFEnum boundingBoxCaching

SoSFEnum renderCulling

SoSFEnum pickCulling

Parts from class SoBaseKit:

(SoNodeKitListPart) callbackList

Methods from class SoTransformerDragger:


static const SoNodekitCatalog * getClassNodekitCatalog() const

static SoType getClassTypeId()

static const SoNodekitCatalog * getClassNodekitCatalog() const

static SoType getClassTypeId()

void setColinearThreshold(int newVal )

int getColinearThreshold()

void setLocateHighlighting(SbBool onOff )

SbBool isLocateHighlighting()

void unsquishKnobs()

Methods from class SoDragger:

void addStartCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void removeStartCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void addMotionCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void removeMotionCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void addFinishCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void removeFinishCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void addValueChangedCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

void removeValueChangedCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

SbBool enableValueChangedCallbacks()

void setMinGesture(int pixels)

int getMinGesture() const

static void setMinScale(float newMinScale)

static float getMinScale()

Methods from class SoInteractionKit:

virtual SbBool setPartAsPath(const SbName &partName, SoPath *surrogatePath )

Methods from class SoBaseKit:

virtual const SoNodekitCatalog * getNodekitCatalog() const

virtual SoNode * getPart(const SbName &partName, SbBool makeIfNeeded)

SbString getPartString(const SoBase *part)

virtual SoNodeKitPath * createPathToPart(const SbName &partName, SbBool makeIfNeeded, const SoPath *pathToExtend = NULL)

virtual SbBool setPart(const SbName &partName, SoNode *newPart)

SbBool set(char *partName, char *parameters)

SbBool set(char *nameValuePairs)

static SbBool isSearchingChildren()

static void setSearchingChildren(SbBool newVal)

Methods from class SoNode:

void setOverride(SbBool state)

SbBool isOverride() const

SoNode * copy(SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) const

virtual SbBool affectsState() const

static SoNode * getByName(const SbName &name)

static int getByName(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list)

Methods from class SoFieldContainer:

void setToDefaults()

SbBool hasDefaultValues() const

SbBool fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const

void copyFieldValues(const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections = FALSE)

void get(SbString &fieldDataString)

virtual int getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const

virtual SoField * getField(const SbName &fieldName) const

SbBool getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const

SbBool isNotifyEnabled() const

SbBool enableNotify(SbBool flag)

Methods from class SoBase:

void ref()

void unref() const

void unrefNoDelete() const

void touch()

virtual SoType getTypeId() const

SbBool isOfType(SoType type) const

virtual void setName(const SbName &name)

virtual SbName getName() const

Macros from class SoBaseKit:

SO_GET_PART(kit, partName, partClass)
SO_CHECK_PART(kit, partName, partClass)

SoTransformerDragger is a dragger shaped like a box. It has small cubes at the corners and small balls sticking out of the middle of each face. Click and drag any face of the box for 2D translation in the plane of that face. Drag any corner-cube to scale the box uniformly. Pick any of the mid-face balls to rotate the whole dragger about its center.

The SoTransformerDragger uses locate highlighting, so you can tell which part you are about to select before pressing the mouse button. By default, the locate highlight color is gold.

Click-drag any face to translate the dragger within the plane of that face. The face you selected will highlight in yellow. While you drag, yellow feedback arrows display the two directions of motion. Press the <Shift> key and the arrows turn orange; you may now pick between these two directions to constrain the motion. The direction you move the cursor in will determine which direction is chosen. Press the <Control> key and the dragger will translate perpendicular to that plane. The translation field is modified as the face is dragged.

Click a corner to scale the dragger. The corner you selected will turn yellow and radial lines will indicate that you may move toward and away from the center of the box. Drag radially and you will perform uniform scale. Press the <Control> key to scale about the opposite corner instead of the center of the box.

To stretch the dragger non-uniformly, press <Shift> when you drag the corner cube. Now you will see three orange arrows indicating that your gesture will determine which direction to choose. Move the cursor and the selected arrow will turn yellow while the others disappear. Now the dragger will stretch only in the direction you selected. Pressing <Control> at the same time as <Shift> allows you to stretch the dragger while keeping the opposite side pinned in place. When you drag a corner, this modifies the scaleFactor and possibly the translation field of the dragger.

Click one of the spherical knobs to rotate the dragger. When you first click, you'll see two orange lines and two purple circles. The purple circles indicate the two ways you can rotate. The orange lines are, once again, the two choices for your mouse gesture. Each line begins you moving around one of the two circles. Once you move the cursor far enough, the selected line turns yellow and you begin rotating the dragger about the selected circle. The other circle and line will disappear.

To perform unconstrained ("free") rotation, just press <Shift> while you drag the spherical knob. There will be no choices; instead all three purple circles will be displayed, forming a ball that you can roll around. Regardless of how you rotate, dragging the spherical knobs will modify the rotatation field of the dragger. Depending on how it is centered and what transforms precede it in the scene graph, rotation is likely to affect the translation and scaleFactor fields as well.

Pressing the <Control> key will change the center of rotation in both the constrained and unconstrained (<Shift>) case. By default, rotation occurs about the center of the bounding box. With <Control> depressed, rotation occurs about the middle of the opposite side of the bounding box. The purple feedback will change to illustrate this; the feedback circles increase in size and purple crosshairs sprout at the new rotational center.

Ordinarily, the knobs of the dragger are unsquished upon readin from file and when the mouse button is released at the end of a drag. If you want this to happen more often, then you should call the method unsquishKnobs.

As with all draggers, if you change the fields the dragger will move to match the new settings.

Remember: This is not an SoTransform!. If you want to move other objects with this dragger, you can either:

[a] Use an SoTransformerManip, which is subclassed from SoTransform. It creates one of these draggers and uses it as the interface to change its fields. (see the SoTransformerManip man page).

[b] Use field-to-field connections to connect the fields of this dragger to those of any SoTransformation node.

You can change the parts in any instance of this dragger using setPart(). The default part geometries are defined as resources for this SoTransformerDragger class. They are detailed in the Dragger Resources section of the online reference page for this class. You can make your program use different default resources for the parts by copying the file /usr/share/data/draggerDefaults/transformerDragger.iv into your own directory, editing the file, and then setting the environment variable SO_DRAGGER_DIR to be a path to that directory.

SoSFRotation rotation

Orientation of the dragger.

SoSFVec3f translation

Position of the dragger.

SoSFVec3f scaleFactor

Scale of the dragger.

SoSFFloat minDiscRotDot

Specifies the minimum dot product between eyeDir and rotPlane normal before switching from record-player-type rotation to rolling-pin-type rotation. This transition is made so that rotations don't get screwy when the circle is edge-on. Lies in range [0-1]. Best to leave this alone.



static const SoNodekitCatalog * getClassNodekitCatalog() const

Returns an SoNodekitCatalog for this class

static SoType getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for this class.

static const SoNodekitCatalog * getClassNodekitCatalog() const

Returns an SoNodekitCatalog for this class

static SoType getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for this class.

void setColinearThreshold(int newVal )

int getColinearThreshold()

When picking a direction for constraining based on gesture, this paramater determines how many pixels must separate two axes before they are regarded as distinct. If they are deemed "the same" then the shorter of the two will be discarded.

void setLocateHighlighting(SbBool onOff )

SbBool isLocateHighlighting()

Controls whether or not locate highlighting is used. Default is TRUE.

void unsquishKnobs()

Tells the dragger to unsquish its rotation and scale knobs during the next traversal. Ordinarily, the knobs are only unsquished upon readin from file and when the mouse button is released at the end of a drag. If you want this to happen more often, then you should call this method.

All parts
Part Name Part Type Default Type Default
callbackList NodeKitListPart -- yes
surroundScale SurroundScale -- yes
translator1 Separator -- yes
translator1Active Separator -- yes
translator2 Separator -- yes
translator2Active Separator -- yes
translator3 Separator -- yes
translator3Active Separator -- yes
translator4 Separator -- yes
translator4Active Separator -- yes
translator5 Separator -- yes
translator5Active Separator -- yes
translator6 Separator -- yes
translator6Active Separator -- yes
rotator1 Separator -- yes
rotator1Active Separator -- yes
rotator2 Separator -- yes
rotator2Active Separator -- yes
rotator3 Separator -- yes
rotator3Active Separator -- yes
rotator4 Separator -- yes
rotator4Active Separator -- yes
rotator5 Separator -- yes
rotator5Active Separator -- yes
rotator6 Separator -- yes
rotator6Active Separator -- yes
scale1 Separator -- yes
scale1Active Separator -- yes
scale2 Separator -- yes
scale2Active Separator -- yes
scale3 Separator -- yes
scale3Active Separator -- yes
scale4 Separator -- yes
scale4Active Separator -- yes
scale5 Separator -- yes
scale5Active Separator -- yes
scale6 Separator -- yes
scale6Active Separator -- yes
scale7 Separator -- yes
scale7Active Separator -- yes
scale8 Separator -- yes
scale8Active Separator -- yes
xAxisFeedbackActive Separator -- yes
xAxisFeedbackSelect Separator -- yes
xCrosshairFeedback Separator -- yes
yAxisFeedbackActive Separator -- yes
yAxisFeedbackSelect Separator -- yes
yCrosshairFeedback Separator -- yes
zAxisFeedbackActive Separator -- yes
zAxisFeedbackSelect Separator -- yes
zCrosshairFeedback Separator -- yes
translateBoxFeedback Separator -- yes
scaleBoxFeedback Separator -- yes
posXWallFeedback Separator -- yes
posXRoundWallFeedback Separator -- yes
posYWallFeedback Separator -- yes
posYRoundWallFeedback Separator -- yes
posZWallFeedback Separator -- yes
posZRoundWallFeedback Separator -- yes
negXWallFeedback Separator -- yes
negXRoundWallFeedback Separator -- yes
negYWallFeedback Separator -- yes
negYRoundWallFeedback Separator -- yes
negZWallFeedback Separator -- yes
negZRoundWallFeedback Separator -- yes
radialFeedback Separator -- yes
xCircleFeedback Separator -- yes
yCircleFeedback Separator -- yes
zCircleFeedback Separator -- yes
Extra information for list parts from above table
Part Name Container Type Permissible Types
callbackList Separator Callback, EventCallback

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerLocateMaterial
.in 0n+.5i Part: none

Appearance: Gold diffuse and emissive color

Description: Locate highlight color used for all parts.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerOverallStyle
.in 0n+.5i Part: overallStyle

Appearance: White Low-Complexity lines

Description: If nothing else specified, this is style of the part.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator1
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator1

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Top face of transformer. Picking this initiates translation in x-z plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator2
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator2

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Bottom face of transformer. Picking this initiates translation in x-z plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator3
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator3

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Left face of transformer. Picking this initiates translation in y-z plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator4
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator4

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Right face of transformer. Picking this initiates translation in y-z plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator5
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator5

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Front face of transformer. Picking this initiates translation in x-y plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator6
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator6

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Back face of transformer. Picking this initiates translation in x-y plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator1Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator1Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerTranslator1

Description: Replaces transformerTranslator1 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator2Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator2Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerTranslator2

Description: Replaces transformerTranslator2 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator3Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator3Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerTranslator3

Description: Replaces transformerTranslator3 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator4Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator4Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerTranslator4

Description: Replaces transformerTranslator4 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator5Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator5Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerTranslator5

Description: Replaces transformerTranslator5 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslator6Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: translator6Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerTranslator6

Description: Replaces transformerTranslator6 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator1
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator1

Appearance: Green Sphere at end of a stick

Description: Top knob of transformer. Picking this initiates rotation.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator2
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator2

Appearance: Green Sphere at end of a stick

Description: Bottom knob of transformer. Picking this initiates rotation.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator3
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator3

Appearance: Green Sphere at end of a stick

Description: Left knob of transformer. Picking this initiates rotation.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator4
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator4

Appearance: Green Sphere at end of a stick

Description: Right knob of transformer. Picking this initiates rotation.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator5
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator5

Appearance: Green Sphere at end of a stick

Description: Front knob of transformer. Picking this initiates rotation.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator6
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator6

Appearance: Green Sphere at end of a stick

Description: Back knob of transformer. Picking this initiates rotation.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator1Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator1Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerRotator1

Description: Replaces transformerRotator1 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator2Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator2Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerRotator2

Description: Replaces transformerRotator2 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator3Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator3Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerRotator3

Description: Replaces transformerRotator3 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator4Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator4Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerRotator4

Description: Replaces transformerRotator4 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator5Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator5Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerRotator5

Description: Replaces transformerRotator5 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRotator6Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: rotator6Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerRotator6

Description: Replaces transformerRotator6 during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale1
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale1

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x+y+z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale2
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale2

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x+y-z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale3
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale3

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x-y+z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale4
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale4

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x-y-z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale5
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale5

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x+y+z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale6
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale6

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x+y-z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale7
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale7

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x-y+z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale8
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale8

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x-y-z) corner of transformer

Description: Picking this initiates scaling.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale1Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale1Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale1Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale1Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale2Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale2Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale2Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale2Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale3Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale3Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale3Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale3Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale4Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale4Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale4Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale4Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale5Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale5Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale5Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale5Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale6Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale6Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale6Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale6Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale7Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale7Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale7Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale7Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerScale8Active
.in 0n+.5i Part: scale8Active

Appearance: Yellow version of transformerScale8Active

Description: Replaces transformerScale8Active during dragging.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerXAxisFeedbackActive
.in 0n+.5i Part: xAxisFeedbackActive

Appearance: Yellow arrow along X axis

Description: Displayed when translating if X direction is permitted.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerXAxisFeedbackSelect
.in 0n+.5i Part: xAxisFeedbackSelect

Appearance: Orange arrow along X axis

Description: Displayed when awaiting gesture to pick between X axis and another direction(s).

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerYAxisFeedbackActive
.in 0n+.5i Part: yAxisFeedbackActive

Appearance: Yellow arrow along Y axis

Description: Displayed when translating if Y direction is permitted.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerYAxisFeedbackSelect
.in 0n+.5i Part: yAxisFeedbackSelect

Appearance: Orange arrow along Y axis

Description: Displayed when awaiting gesture to pick between Y axis and another direction(s).

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerZAxisFeedbackActive
.in 0n+.5i Part: zAxisFeedbackActive

Appearance: Yellow arrow along Z axis

Description: Displayed when translating if Z direction is permitted.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerZAxisFeedbackSelect
.in 0n+.5i Part: zAxisFeedbackSelect

Appearance: Orange arrow along Z axis

Description: Displayed when awaiting gesture to pick between Z axis and another direction(s).

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerXCrosshairFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: xCrosshairFeedback

Appearance: Yellow crossHair in y-z plane

Description: Displayed when translating perpendicular to y-z plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerYCrosshairFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: yCrosshairFeedback

Appearance: Yellow crossHair in x-z plane

Description: Displayed when translating perpendicular to x-z plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerZCrosshairFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: zCrosshairFeedback

Appearance: Yellow crossHair in x-y plane

Description: Displayed when translating perpendicular to x-y plane.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerXCircleFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: xCircleFeedback

Appearance: Purple Unit Circle about X axis

Description: Displayed when rotating about X axis

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerYCircleFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: yCircleFeedback

Appearance: Purple Unit Circle about Y axis

Description: Displayed when rotating about Y axis

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerZCircleFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: zCircleFeedback

Appearance: Purple Unit Circle about Z axis

Description: Displayed when rotating about Z axis

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerRadialFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: radialFeedback

Appearance: Purple Rays emanating from center through corners

Description: Displayed when scaling uniformly about center.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerTranslateBoxFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: translateBoxFeedback

Appearance: Purple Box with one bright yellow side

Description: Displayed when translating. Automatically oriented so yellow side matches selected face.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerPosXWallFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: posXWallFeedback

Appearance: Purple Plane along Right side of transformer

Description: Displayed when <Control> scaling and keeping right side fixed.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerPosYWallFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: posYWallFeedback

Appearance: Purple Plane along Top side of transformer

Description: Displayed when <Control> scaling and keeping top side fixed.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerPosZWallFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: posZWallFeedback

Appearance: Purple Plane along Front side of transformer

Description: Displayed when <Control> scaling and keeping front side fixed.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerNegXWallFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: negXWallFeedback

Appearance: Purple Plane along Left side of transformer

Description: Displayed when <Control> scaling and keeping left side fixed.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerNegYWallFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: negYWallFeedback

Appearance: Purple Plane along Bottom side of transformer

Description: Displayed when <Control> scaling and keeping bottom side fixed.

.in 0n+.5i Resource: transformerNegZWallFeedback
.in 0n+.5i Part: negZWallFeedback

Appearance: Purple Plane along Back side of transformer

Description: Displayed when <Control> scaling and keeping back side fixed.

TransformerDragger {

renderCaching AUTO boundingBoxCaching AUTO renderCulling AUTO pickCulling AUTO isActive FALSE translation 0 0 0 scaleFactor 1 1 1 rotation 0 0 1 0 minDiscRotDot 0.025 callbackList NULL surroundScale NULL translator1 <transformerTranslator1 resource> translator1Active <transformerTranslator1Active resource> translator2 <transformerTranslator2 resource> translator2Active <transformerTranslator2Active resource> translator3 <transformerTranslator3 resource> translator3Active <transformerTranslator3Active resource> translator4 <transformerTranslator4 resource> translator4Active <transformerTranslator4Active resource> translator5 <transformerTranslator5 resource> translator5Active <transformerTranslator5Active resource> translator6 <transformerTranslator6 resource> translator6Active <transformerTranslator6Active resource> rotator1 <transformerRotator1 resource> rotator1Active <transformerRotator1Active resource> rotator2 <transformerRotator2 resource> rotator2Active <transformerRotator2Active resource> rotator3 <transformerRotator3 resource> rotator3Active <transformerRotator3Active resource> rotator4 <transformerRotator4 resource> rotator4Active <transformerRotator4Active resource> rotator5 <transformerRotator5 resource> rotator5Active <transformerRotator5Active resource> rotator6 <transformerRotator6 resource> rotator6Active <transformerRotator6Active resource> scale1 <transformerScale1 resource> scale1Active <transformerScale1Active resource> scale2 <transformerScale2 resource> scale2Active <transformerScale2Active resource> scale3 <transformerScale3 resource> scale3Active <transformerScale3Active resource> scale4 <transformerScale4 resource> scale4Active <transformerScale4Active resource> scale5 <transformerScale5 resource> scale5Active <transformerScale5Active resource> scale6 <transformerScale6 resource> scale6Active <transformerScale6Active resource> scale7 <transformerScale7 resource> scale7Active <transformerScale7Active resource> scale8 <transformerScale8 resource> scale8Active <transformerScale8Active resource> xAxisFeedbackActive <transformerXAxisFeedbackActive resource> xAxisFeedbackSelect <transformerXAxisFeedbackSelect resource> xCrosshairFeedback <transformerXCrosshairFeedback resource> yAxisFeedbackActive <transformerYAxisFeedbackActive resource> yAxisFeedbackSelect <transformerYAxisFeedbackSelect resource> yCrosshairFeedback <transformerYCrosshairFeedback resource> zAxisFeedbackActive <transformerZAxisFeedbackActive resource> zAxisFeedbackSelect <transformerZAxisFeedbackSelect resource> zCrosshairFeedback <transformerZCrosshairFeedback resource> translateBoxFeedback <transformerTranslateBoxFeedback resource> scaleBoxFeedback <transformerScaleBoxFeedback resource> posXWallFeedback <transformerPosXWallFeedback resource> posXRoundWallFeedback <transformerPosXRoundWallFeedback resource> posYWallFeedback <transformerPosYWallFeedback resource> posYRoundWallFeedback <transformerPosYRoundWallFeedback resource> posZWallFeedback <transformerPosZWallFeedback resource> posZRoundWallFeedback <transformerPosZRoundWallFeedback resource> negXWallFeedback <transformerNegXWallFeedback resource> negXRoundWallFeedback <transformerNegXRoundWallFeedback resource> negYWallFeedback <transformerNegYWallFeedback resource> negYRoundWallFeedback <transformerNegYRoundWallFeedback resource> negZWallFeedback <transformerNegZWallFeedback resource> negZRoundWallFeedback <transformerNegZRoundWallFeedback resource> radialFeedback <transformerRadialFeedback resource> xCircleFeedback <transformerXCircleFeedback resource> yCircleFeedback <transformerYCircleFeedback resource> zCircleFeedback <transformerZCircleFeedback resource> none <transformerLocateMaterial resource>

SoDragger, SoInteractionKit, SoLocateHighlight, SoCenterballDragger, SoDirectionalLightDragger, SoDragPointDragger, SoHandleBoxDragger, SoJackDragger, SoPointLightDragger, SoRotateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateDiscDragger, SoRotateSphericalDragger, SoScale1Dragger, SoScale2Dragger, SoScale2UniformDragger, SoScaleUniformDragger, SoSpotLightDragger, SoTabBoxDragger, SoTabPlaneDragger, SoTrackballDragger, SoTransformBoxDragger, SoTranslate1Dragger, SoTranslate2Dragger