SoSFBool(3IV)() SoSFBool(3IV)()

SoSFBool — field containing a single boolean value

SoField > SoSField > SoSFBool

#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFBool.h>

Methods from class SoSFBool:

static SoType getClassTypeId()

virtual void getTypeId() const

SbBool getValue() const

SbBool operator =(SbBool newValue)

void setValue(SbBool newValue)

int operator ==(const SoSFBool &f) const

int operator !=(const SoSFBool &f) const

Methods from class SoField:

void setIgnored(SbBool ignore)

SbBool isIgnored() const

SbBool isDefault() const

virtual SbBool isOfType(SoType type) const

SbBool set(const char *valueString)

void get(SbString &valueString)

void touch()

SbBool connectFrom(SoField *fromField)

SbBool connectFrom(SoEngineOutput *fromEngine)

void disconnect()

SbBool isConnected() const

SbBool isConnectedFromField() const

SbBool getConnectedField(SoField *&writingField) const

SbBool isConnectedFromEngine() const

SbBool getConnectedEngine(SoEngineOutput *&engineOutput) const

void enableConnection(SbBool flag)

SbBool isConnectionEnabled() const

int getForwardConnections(SoFieldList &list) const

SoFieldContainer * getContainer() const

A field containing a single boolean (true or false) value.

SoSFBools may be written to file as "0" (representing FALSE), "1", "TRUE", or "FALSE".

static SoType getClassTypeId()

virtual void getTypeId() const

Returns the type for this class or a particular object of this class.

SbBool getValue() const

Returns this field's value.

SbBool operator =(SbBool newValue)

void setValue(SbBool newValue)

Sets this field to newValue.

int operator ==(const SoSFBool &f) const

int operator !=(const SoSFBool &f) const

Returns TRUE if f is of the same type and has the same value as this field.

SoField, SoSField, SoMFBool