SoPrimitiveVertex(3IV)() SoPrimitiveVertex(3IV)()

SoPrimitiveVertex — represents a vertex of a generated primitive


#include <Inventor/SoPrimitiveVertex.h>

Methods from class SoPrimitiveVertex:


SoPrimitiveVertex(const SoPrimitiveVertex &pv)


const SbVec3f & getPoint() const

const SbVec3f & getNormal() const

const SbVec4f & getTextureCoords() const

int getMaterialIndex() const

const SoDetail * getDetail() const

SoPrimitiveVertex & operator =(const SoPrimitiveVertex &pv)

An SoPrimitiveVertex represents a vertex of a primitive (triangle, line segment, or point) that is being generated by an SoCallbackAction. It contains an object-space point, normal, texture coordinates, material index, and a pointer to an instance of an SoDetail subclass. This detail may contain more information about the vertex, or may be a NULL pointer if there is no such info.

Instances of SoPrimitiveVertex are typically created on the stack by shape classes while they are generating primitives. Anyone who wants to save them as return values from SoCallbackAction should probably make copies of them.


SoPrimitiveVertex(const SoPrimitiveVertex &pv)


Constructors and destructor. Note that copying a primitive vertex copies the detail pointer, and not the detail itself.

const SbVec3f & getPoint() const

const SbVec3f & getNormal() const

const SbVec4f & getTextureCoords() const

These return the surface point, normal, and texture coordinates in object space.

int getMaterialIndex() const

Returns the index into the current set of materials of the material active at the vertex.

const SoDetail * getDetail() const

Returns the detail giving more information about the vertex. Note that this pointer may be NULL if there is no more info.

SoPrimitiveVertex & operator =(const SoPrimitiveVertex &pv)

Copies the given vertex. Note that just the pointer to the detail is copied, and not the detail itself.