SoOnOff(3IV)() SoOnOff(3IV)()

SoOnOff — engine that functions as an on/off switch

SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoEngine > SoOnOff

#include <Inventor/engines/SoOnOff.h>

Inputs from class SoOnOff:

SoSFTrigger on

SoSFTrigger off

SoSFTrigger toggle

Outputs from class SoOnOff:

(SoSFBool) isOn

(SoSFBool) isOff

Methods from class SoOnOff:


Methods from class SoEngine:

static SoType getClassTypeId()

virtual int getOutputs(SoEngineOutputList &list) const

SoEngineOutput * getOutput(const SbName &outputName) const

SbBool getOutputName(const SoEngineOutput *output, SbName &outputName) const

SoEngine * copy() const

static SoEngine * getByName(const SbName &name)

static int getByName(const SbName &name, SoEngineList &list)

Methods from class SoFieldContainer:

void setToDefaults()

SbBool hasDefaultValues() const

SbBool fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const

void copyFieldValues(const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections = FALSE)

SbBool set(const char *fieldDataString)

void get(SbString &fieldDataString)

virtual int getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const

virtual SoField * getField(const SbName &fieldName) const

SbBool getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const

SbBool isNotifyEnabled() const

SbBool enableNotify(SbBool flag)

Methods from class SoBase:

void ref()

void unref() const

void unrefNoDelete() const

void touch()

virtual SoType getTypeId() const

SbBool isOfType(SoType type) const

virtual void setName(const SbName &name)

virtual SbName getName() const

This engine has three triggers as input and two Boolean values as output. The isOn output is a switch that can be turned on or off by triggering the corresponding input. You can toggle the value by triggering the toggle input. By default isOn is FALSE. The isOff output value is the inverse of isOn

SoSFTrigger on

Turn the isOn switch on.

SoSFTrigger off

Turn the isOn switch off.

SoSFTrigger toggle

Toggle the switch value.

(SoSFBool) isOn

Switch value.

(SoSFBool) isOff

The inverse of isOn.



OnOff {

on off toggle
