SoOffscreenRenderer(3IV)() SoOffscreenRenderer(3IV)()

SoOffscreenRenderer — renders to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures


#include <Inventor/SoOffscreenRenderer.h>

enum Components {






Methods from class SoOffscreenRenderer:

SoOffscreenRenderer(const SbViewportRegion &viewportRegion)

SoOffscreenRenderer(SoGLRenderAction *ra)


static float getScreenPixelsPerInch()

static SbVec2s getMaximumResolution()

void setComponents(Components components)

Components getComponents() const

void setViewportRegion(const SbViewportRegion &region)

const SbViewportRegion & getViewportRegion() const

void setBackgroundColor(const SbColor &c)

const SbColor & getBackgroundColor() const

void setGLRenderAction(const SoGLRenderAction *ra)

SoGLRenderAction * getGLRenderAction() const

SbBool render(SoNode *scene)

SbBool render(SoPath *scene)

unsigned char * getBuffer() const

SbBool writeToRGB(FILE *fp) const

SbBool writeToPostScript(FILE *fp) const

SbBool writeToPostScript(FILE *fp, const SbVec2f &printSize) const

This class is used to render into an off-screen buffer to create a printable image or to generate a texture image. It uses X Pixmaps for rendering. Methods are provided to write the buffer to a file, either as an RGB image or an encapsulated PostScript description.

SoOffscreenRenderer(const SbViewportRegion &viewportRegion)

SoOffscreenRenderer(SoGLRenderAction *ra)


Constructors and destructor. If a render action is passed to the contructor, that action will be used in all subsequent offscreen renderings. Otherwise, an internal instance of an SoGLRenderAction will be maintained with a viewport region set to the on passed in by the constructor.

static float getScreenPixelsPerInch()

Returns the number of pixels per inch (in the horizontal direction) of the current X device screen.

static SbVec2s getMaximumResolution()

Get the maximum supported resolution of the viewport.

void setComponents(Components components)

Components getComponents() const

Sets or returns the components to be rendered.

void setViewportRegion(const SbViewportRegion &region)

const SbViewportRegion & getViewportRegion() const

Sets or returns the viewport region used for rendering. This will NOT be applied to the viewport region of any render action passed in.

void setBackgroundColor(const SbColor &c)

const SbColor & getBackgroundColor() const

Sets or returns the background color for rendering.

void setGLRenderAction(const SoGLRenderAction *ra)

SoGLRenderAction * getGLRenderAction() const

Set and get the render action to use for rendering. This will return any render action passed in by the caller.

SbBool render(SoNode *scene)

SbBool render(SoPath *scene)

Renders the given scene, specified as a node or a path, into an off-screen buffer.

unsigned char * getBuffer() const

Returns the buffer containing the rendered image. The buffer is an array of unsigned characters. Each pixel is stored sequentially by scanline, starting with the lower left corner. The data stored for each pixel is determined by the Components set before rendering. Pixels are stored in RGBA order and are packed without any padding between pixels or scanlines. The buffer is allocated by the offscreen renderer class and the space is deleted when the instance is destructed.

SbBool writeToRGB(FILE *fp) const

Writes the buffer as a .rgb file to the given file pointer.

SbBool writeToPostScript(FILE *fp) const

SbBool writeToPostScript(FILE *fp, const SbVec2f &printSize) const

Writes the buffer as encapsulated PostScript. If a print size is not given, the size of the image in the buffer is adjusted so it is the same as the apparent size of the viewport region on the current device.