SoMemoryError(3IV)() SoMemoryError(3IV)()

SoMemoryError — memory error handling

SoError > SoMemoryError

#include <Inventor/errors/SoMemoryError.h>

Methods from class SoMemoryError:

static void setHandlerCallback(SoErrorCB *cb, void *data)

static SoErrorCB * getHandlerCallback()

static void * getHandlerData()

static SoType getClassTypeId()

Methods from class SoError:

const SbString & getDebugString() const

virtual SoType getTypeId() const

SbBool isOfType(SoType type) const

SoMemoryError is used for errors reported due to lack of memory.

static void setHandlerCallback(SoErrorCB *cb, void *data)

static SoErrorCB * getHandlerCallback()

static void * getHandlerData()

Sets/returns handler callback for SoMemoryError class.

static SoType getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for SoMemoryError class.

SoDebugError, SoReadError