SoDebugError(3IV)() SoDebugError(3IV)()

SoDebugError — debug error handling

SoError > SoDebugError

#include <Inventor/errors/SoDebugError.h>

enum Severity {

SoDebugError::ERROR Error

SoDebugError::WARNING Just a warning

SoDebugError::INFO No error, just information


Methods from class SoDebugError:

static void setHandlerCallback(SoErrorCB *cb, void *data)

static SoErrorCB * getHandlerCallback()

static void * getHandlerData()

static SoType getClassTypeId()

SoDebugError::Severity getSeverity() const

Methods from class SoError:

const SbString & getDebugString() const

virtual SoType getTypeId() const

SbBool isOfType(SoType type) const

SoDebugError is used for all errors reported from the debugging version of the Inventor library. These errors are typically programmer errors, such as passing a NULL pointer or an out-of-range index. The post() method takes the name of the Inventor method that detected the error, to aid the programmer in debugging.

static void setHandlerCallback(SoErrorCB *cb, void *data)

static SoErrorCB * getHandlerCallback()

static void * getHandlerData()

Sets/returns handler callback for SoDebugError class.

static SoType getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for SoDebugError class.

SoDebugError::Severity getSeverity() const

Returns severity of error (for use by handlers).

SoMemoryError, SoReadError