SoAction(3IV)() SoAction(3IV)()

SoAction — abstract base class for all actions


#include <Inventor/actions/SoAction.h>

Methods from class SoAction:

virtual ~SoAction()

virtual void apply(SoNode *node)

virtual void apply(SoPath *path)

virtual void apply(const SoPathList &pathList, SbBool obeysRules = FALSE)

static SoType getClassTypeId()

virtual SoType getTypeId()

virtual SbBool isOfType(SoType type)

virtual void invalidateState()

SoAction is the abstract base class for all actions. Classes derived from SoAction define operations to be applied at each node encountered during traversal of a scene graph. The function that gets called to implement the action for a particular node type is determined by a lookup table in the global database.

virtual ~SoAction()


virtual void apply(SoNode *node)

virtual void apply(SoPath *path)

virtual void apply(const SoPathList &pathList, SbBool obeysRules = FALSE)

Initiates an action on the graph defined either by a node, path, or list of paths. TRUE can be passed for the obeysRules flag if the given path list has the following 4 properties:

1 - All paths have the same head node 2 - Paths are sorted in traversal order 3 - If one path ends at node A, no other path continues through A 4 - No two paths are the same

These rules will be obeyed by path lists returned by picking and by searches for non-group nodes.

static SoType getClassTypeId()

Returns the type identifier for this class.

virtual SoType getTypeId()

Returns the type identifier for a specific instance.

virtual SbBool isOfType(SoType type)

Returns TRUE if this instance is of the type specified in type or is derived from that type. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. For example,


returns TRUE if actionPtr is an instance of SoGetMatrixAction or one of its subclasses.

virtual void invalidateState()

Invalidates the current traversal state in the action, forcing it to be recreated when the action is next applied. This is typically unnecessary in most applications.

SoNode, SoPath, SoPathList, SoCallbackAction, SoGLRenderAction, SoGetBoundingBoxAction, SoGetMatrixAction, SoHandleEventAction, SoPickAction, SoRayPickAction, SoSearchAction, SoWriteAction