..::lib::Smokeping::matchers::ConsecutiveLoss(3) SmokePing ..::lib::Smokeping::matchers::ConsecutiveLoss(3)

Smokeping::matchers::ConsecutiveLoss - Raise/clear alerts according to your choice of threshold and consecutive values

Use this matcher to raise and clear alerts according to your choice of threshold and consecutive values. As an example, you can raise an alert on first occurrence of 50% packet loss, but choose to hold the alert active until packet loss stays below 10% for 5 consecutive measurements.

Add the matcher to your config file using below syntax:

 type = matcher
 edgetrigger = yes
 pattern =  ConsecutiveLoss(pctlossraise=>##,stepsraise=>##,pctlossclear=>##,stepsclear=>##)

Replace the ## with integers of your choice, see below for reference:

pctlossraise - Loss values at or above this percentage will raise an alert when... stepsraise - ... number of consecutive values have been collected

pctlossclear - Loss values below this percentage will clear an alert when... stepsclear - ... number of consecutive values have been collected

In my environment, I define four alerts for levels like:

 type = matcher
 pattern = ConsecutiveLoss(pctlossraise=>10,stepsraise=>1,pctlossclear=>3,stepsclear=>3)
 comment = Instant alert - Significant packet loss detected (At least 10% over 1 cycle). Alert will clear when loss stays at max 2% for 3 cycles
 priority = 30
 type = matcher
 pattern = ConsecutiveLoss(pctlossraise=>25,stepsraise=>1,pctlossclear=>3,stepsclear=>3)
 comment = Instant alert - Major packet loss detected (At least 25% over 1 cycle). Alert will clear when loss stays at max 2% for 3 cycles
 priority = 20
 type = matcher
 pattern = ConsecutiveLoss(pctlossraise=>10,stepsraise=>3,pctlossclear=>3,stepsclear=>5)
 comment = Consecutive occurrence of significant packet loss detected (At least 10% over 3 cycles). Alert will clear when loss stays at max 2% for 5 cycles.
 priority = 10
 type = matcher
 pattern = ConsecutiveLoss(pctlossraise=>25,stepsraise=>3,pctlossclear=>3,stepsclear=>5)
 comment = Consecutive occurrence of significant packet loss detected (At least 25% over 3 cycles). Alert will clear when loss stays at max 2% for 5 cycles.
 priority = 5

Copyright (c) 2017 Rickard Borgmaster

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Rickard Borgmaster. 2017. Based on the CheckLoss/Checklatency matchers by Dylan Vanderhoof 2006.

2024-02-04 2.8.2