Shape(3I) InterViews Reference Manual Shape(3I)

Shape - what shape a canvas should have

#include <InterViews/shape.h>

A shape specifies the desired characteristics of a canvas. An interactor should set the fields of its shape when it is reconfigured and should call Change on its parent if any of these fields change.

The dimensions of a shape are defined by a ``natural'' size, a stretch amount, and a shrink amount. The width and height fields indicate the desired sizes. The hstretch, vstretch, hshrink, vshrink fields define how flexible these desired sizes are. For example, an interactor may have a natural size of 100, but can adequately handle any size between 50 and 200. The stretchability for this case would be 100 and the shrinkability 50.

The constants hfil and vfil are provided to indicate ``infinite'' stretching or shrinking. They are represented as very large numbers and manipulated exactly the same as other stretch and shrink parameters.

The aspect field specifies the desired aspect ratio. A value of zero means any aspect is acceptable.

The hunits and vunits fields indicate that the canvas dimensions should be multiples of some values.

Construct a new shape with undefined natural size and infinite stretchability and shrinkability in both directions.
Test if the shape's natural size is defined or not.
Short-hand for setting the dimensions of the shape. Square sets both dimensions to side and sets the aspect ratio to one.
Set the stretchability and shrinkability fields of the shape. If no arguments are specified, the fields are set to zero.
Reset the shape's natural size to be undefined.

Interactor(3I), Scene(3I)

15 June 1987 InterViews