Set::Infinite(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Set::Infinite(3pm)

Set::Infinite - Sets of intervals

  use Set::Infinite;
  $set = Set::Infinite->new(1,2);    # [1..2]
  print $set->union(5,6);            # [1..2],[5..6]

Set::Infinite is a Set Theory module for infinite sets.

A set is a collection of objects. The objects that belong to a set are called its members, or "elements".

As objects we allow (almost) anything: reals, integers, and objects (such as dates).

We allow sets to be infinite.

There is no account for the order of elements. For example, {1,2} = {2,1}.

There is no account for repetition of elements. For example, {1,2,2} = {1,1,1,2} = {1,2}.

Creates a new set object:

    $set = Set::Infinite->new;             # empty set
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( 10 );       # single element
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( 10, 20 );   # single range
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( 
              [ 10, 20 ], [ 50, 70 ] );    # two ranges
    $set = Set::Infinite->new;
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( 10 );
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( [ 10 ] );
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( 10, 20 );
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( [ 10, 20 ] );
    # 10 <= x <= 20
    $set = Set::Infinite->new(
            a => 10, open_begin => 0,
            b => 20, open_end => 1,
    # 10 <= x < 20
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( 10, 20,  100, 200 );
    $set = Set::Infinite->new( [ 10, 20 ], [ 100, 200 ] );
    $set = Set::Infinite->new(
            a => 10, open_begin => 0,
            b => 20, open_end => 0,
            a => 100, open_begin => 0,
            b => 200, open_end => 0,

The "new()" method expects ordered parameters.

If you have unordered ranges, you can build the set using "union":

    @ranges = ( [ 10, 20 ], [ -10, 1 ] );
    $set = Set::Infinite->new;
    $set = $set->union( @$_ ) for @ranges;

The data structures passed to "new" must be immutable. So this is not good practice:

    $set = Set::Infinite->new( $object_a, $object_b );
    $object_a->set_value( 10 );

This is the recommended way to do it:

    $set = Set::Infinite->new( $object_a->clone, $object_b->clone );
    $object_a->set_value( 10 );

Creates a new object, and copy the object data.

Creates an empty set.

If called from an existing set, the empty set inherits the "type" and "density" characteristics.

Creates a set containing "all" possible elements.

If called from an existing set, the universal set inherits the "type" and "density" characteristics.

    $set = $set->union($b);

Returns the set of all elements from both sets.

This function behaves like an "OR" operation.

    $set1 = new Set::Infinite( [ 1, 4 ], [ 8, 12 ] );
    $set2 = new Set::Infinite( [ 7, 20 ] );
    print $set1->union( $set2 );
    # output: [1..4],[7..20]

    $set = $set->intersection($b);

Returns the set of elements common to both sets.

This function behaves like an "AND" operation.

    $set1 = new Set::Infinite( [ 1, 4 ], [ 8, 12 ] );
    $set2 = new Set::Infinite( [ 7, 20 ] );
    print $set1->intersection( $set2 );
    # output: [8..12]

    $set = $set->complement;

Returns the set of all elements that don't belong to the set.

    $set1 = new Set::Infinite( [ 1, 4 ], [ 8, 12 ] );
    print $set1->complement;
    # output: (-inf..1),(4..8),(12..inf)

The complement function might take a parameter:

    $set = $set->minus($b);

Returns the set-difference, that is, the elements that don't belong to the given set.

    $set1 = new Set::Infinite( [ 1, 4 ], [ 8, 12 ] );
    $set2 = new Set::Infinite( [ 7, 20 ] );
    print $set1->minus( $set2 );
    # output: [1..4]

Returns a set containing elements that are in either set, but not in both. This is the "set" version of "XOR".

    $set1 = $set->real;

Returns a set with density "0".

    $set1 = $set->integer;

Returns a set with density "1".

    $logic = $set->intersects($b);

    $logic = $set->contains($b);

    $logic = $set->is_null;

This set that has at least 1 element.

This set that has a single span or interval.

This set that has a single element.

Every element of this set is a member of the given set.

Every element of this set is a member of the given set. Some members of the given set are not elements of this set.

The given set has no elements in common with this set.

Sometimes a set might be too complex to enumerate or print.

This happens with sets that represent infinite recurrences, such as when you ask for a quantization on a set bounded by -inf or inf.

See also: "count" method.

    $i = $set->min;

    $i = $set->max;

    $i = $set->size;

    $i = $set->count;

    print $set;
    $str = "$set";

See also: "as_string".

    > < == >= <= <=>

See also: "spaceship" method.

        chooses the interval separators for stringification. 
        default are [ ] ( ) '..' ','.
        returns an 'Infinity' number.
        returns '-Infinity' number.

    type( "My::Class::Name" )

Chooses a default object data type.

Default is none (a normal Perl SCALAR).

    $set1 = $set->span;

Returns the set span.

Extends a set until another:

    0,5,7 -> until 2,6,10


    [0..2), [5..6), [7..10)

These methods do the inverse of the "until" method.


    [0..2), [5..6), [7..10)

start_set is:


end_set is:


    $set = $set1->intersected_spans( $set2 );

The method returns a new set, containing all spans that are intersected by the given set.

Unlike the "intersection" method, the spans are not modified. See diagram below:

               set1   [....]   [....]   [....]   [....]
               set2      [................]
       intersection      [.]   [....]   [.]
  intersected_spans   [....]   [....]   [....]

    quantize( parameters )
        Makes equal-sized subsets.
        Returns an ordered set of equal-sized subsets.
            $set = Set::Infinite->new([1,3]);
            print join (" ", $set->quantize( quant => 1 ) );
            [1..2) [2..3) [3..4)

    select( parameters )

Selects set spans based on their ordered positions

"select" has a behaviour similar to an array "slice".

            by       - default=All
            count    - default=Infinity
 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8      # original set
 0  1  2                        # count => 3 
    1              6            # by => [ -2, 1 ]

    offset ( parameters )

Offsets the subsets. Parameters:

    value   - default=[0,0]
    mode    - default='offset'. Possible values are: 'offset', 'begin', 'end'.
    unit    - type of value. Can be 'days', 'weeks', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'.

    iterate ( sub { } , @args )

Iterates on the set spans, over a callback subroutine. Returns the union of all partial results.

The callback argument $_[0] is a span. If there are additional arguments they are passed to the callback.

The callback can return a span, a hashref (see "Set::Infinite::Basic"), a scalar, an object, or "undef".

[EXPERIMENTAL] "iterate" accepts an optional "backtrack_callback" argument. The purpose of the "backtrack_callback" is to reverse the iterate() function, overcoming the limitations of the internal backtracking algorithm. The syntax is:

    iterate ( sub { } , backtrack_callback => sub { }, @args )

The "backtrack_callback" can return a span, a hashref, a scalar, an object, or "undef".

For example, the following snippet adds a constant to each element of an unbounded set:

    $set1 = $set->iterate( 
                 sub { $_[0]->min + 54, $_[0]->max + 54 }, 
              backtrack_callback =>  
                 sub { $_[0]->min - 54, $_[0]->max - 54 }, 

    first / last

In scalar context returns the first or last interval of a set.

In list context returns the first or last interval of a set, and the remaining set (the 'tail').

See also: "min", "max", "min_a", "max_a" methods.

    type( "My::Class::Name" )

Chooses a default object data type.

default is none (a normal perl SCALAR).

    $set->_backtrack( 'intersection', $b );

Internal function to evaluate recurrences.


Internal function to ignore the set "type". It is used in some internal optimizations, when it is possible to use scalar values instead of objects.


Internal function to fix the result of operations that use the numeric() function.

    $set = $set->tolerance(0)    # defaults to real sets (default)
    $set = $set->tolerance(1)    # defaults to integer sets

Internal function for changing the set "density".

    ($min, $min_is_open) = $set->min_a;

    ($max, $max_is_open) = $set->max_a;

Implements the "stringification" operator.

Stringification of unbounded recurrences is not implemented.

Unbounded recurrences are stringified as "function descriptions", if the class variable $PRETTY_PRINT is set.

Implements the "comparison" operator.

Comparison of unbounded recurrences is not implemented.

The base set object, without recurrences, is a "Set::Infinite::Basic".

A recurrence-set is represented by a method name, one or two parent objects, and extra arguments. The "list" key is set to an empty array, and the "too_complex" key is set to 1.

This is a structure that holds the union of two "complex sets":

    too_complex => 1,             # "this is a recurrence"
    list   => [ ],                # not used
    method => 'union',            # function name
    parent => [ $set1, $set2 ],   # "leaves" in the syntax-tree
    param  => [ ]                 # optional arguments for the function

This is a structure that holds the complement of a "complex set":

    too_complex => 1,             # "this is a recurrence"
    list   => [ ],                # not used
    method => 'complement',       # function name
    parent => $set,               # "leaf" in the syntax-tree
    param  => [ ]                 # optional arguments for the function

See modules DateTime::Set, DateTime::Event::Recurrence, DateTime::Event::ICal, DateTime::Event::Cron for up-to-date information on date-sets.

The perl-date-time project <>

Flavio S. Glock <>

Copyright (c) 2003 Flavio Soibelmann Glock. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

2022-10-22 perl v5.36.0