Xapian(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Xapian(3pm) |
Search::Xapian - Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library.
use Search::Xapian; my $db = Search::Xapian::Database->new( '[DATABASE DIR]' ); my $enq = $db->enquire( '[QUERY TERM]' ); printf "Running query '%s'\n", $enq->get_query()->get_description(); my @matches = $enq->matches(0, 10); print scalar(@matches) . " results found\n"; foreach my $match ( @matches ) { my $doc = $match->get_document(); printf "ID %d %d%% [ %s ]\n", $match->get_docid(), $match->get_percent(), $doc->get_data(); }
This module wraps most methods of most Xapian classes. The missing classes and methods should be added in the future. It also provides a simplified, more 'perlish' interface to some common operations, as demonstrated above.
There are some gaps in the POD documentation for wrapped classes, but you can read the Xapian C++ API documentation at <https://xapian.org/docs/apidoc/html/annotated.html> for details of these. Alternatively, take a look at the code in the examples and tests.
If you want to use Search::Xapian and the threads module together, make sure you're using Search::Xapian >= and Perl >= 5.8.7. As of, Search::Xapian uses CLONE_SKIP to make sure that the perl wrapper objects aren't copied to new threads - without this the underlying C++ objects can get destroyed more than once.
If you encounter problems, or have any comments, suggestions, patches, etc please email the Xapian-discuss mailing list (details of which can be found at <https://xapian.org/lists>).
None by default.
These require the use of a list of all documents in the database which is potentially expensive, so this feature isn't enabled by default.
Partial matching causes the parser to treat the query as a "partially entered" search. This will automatically treat the final word as a wildcarded match, unless it is followed by whitespace, to produce more stable results from interactive searches.
Standard is db + ops + qpflags + qpstem
This method converts a floating point number to a string, suitable for using as a value for numeric range restriction, or for use as a sort key.
The conversion is platform independent.
The conversion attempts to ensure that, for any pair of values supplied to the conversion algorithm, the result of comparing the original values (with a numeric comparison operator) will be the same as the result of comparing the resulting values (with a string comparison operator). On platforms which represent doubles with the precisions specified by IEEE_754, this will be the case: if the representation of doubles is more precise, it is possible that two very close doubles will be mapped to the same string, so will compare equal.
Note also that both zero and -zero will be converted to the same representation: since these compare equal, this satisfies the comparison constraint, but it's worth knowing this if you wish to use the encoding in some situation where this distinction matters.
Handling of NaN isn't (currently) guaranteed to be sensible.
This expects the input to be a string produced by sortable_serialise(). If the input is not such a string, the value returned is undefined (but no error will be thrown).
The result of the conversion will be exactly the value which was supplied to sortable_serialise() when making the string on platforms which represent doubles with the precisions specified by IEEE_754, but may be a different (nearby) value on other platforms.
We wrap MSet::swap() and MSet::operator[](), but not ESet::swap(), ESet::operator[](). Is swap actually useful? Should we instead tie MSet and ESet to allow them to just be used as lists?
Thanks to Tye McQueen <tye@metronet.com> for explaining the finer points of how best to write XS frontends to C++ libraries, James Aylett <james@tartarus.org> for clarifying the less obvious aspects of the Xapian API, Tim Brody for patches wrapping ::QueryParser and ::Stopper and especially Olly Betts <olly@survex.com> for contributing advice, bugfixes, and wrapper code for the more obscure classes.
Alex Bowley <kilinrax@cpan.org>
Please report any bugs/suggestions to <xapian-discuss@lists.xapian.org> or use the Xapian bug tracker <https://xapian.org/bugs>. Please do NOT use the CPAN bug tracker or mail any of the authors individually.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Search::Xapian::BM25Weight, Search::Xapian::BoolWeight, Search::Xapian::Database, Search::Xapian::Document, Search::Xapian::Enquire, Search::Xapian::MatchSpy, Search::Xapian::MultiValueSorter, Search::Xapian::PositionIterator, Search::Xapian::PostingIterator, Search::Xapian::QueryParser, Search::Xapian::Stem, Search::Xapian::TermGenerator, Search::Xapian::TermIterator, Search::Xapian::TradWeight, Search::Xapian::ValueIterator, Search::Xapian::Weight, Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase, and <https://xapian.org/>.
2024-03-31 | perl v5.38.2 |