SbPlane(3IV)() SbPlane(3IV)()

SbPlane — oriented plane in 3D


#include <Inventor/SbLinear.h>

Methods from class SbPlane:


SbPlane(const SbVec3f &p0, const SbVec3f &p1, const SbVec3f &p2)

SbPlane(const SbVec3f &normal, float distance)

SbPlane(const SbVec3f &normal, const SbVec3f &point)

void offset(float d)

SbBool intersect(const SbLine &l, SbVec3f &intersection) const

void transform(const SbMatrix &matrix)

SbBool isInHalfSpace(const SbVec3f &point) const

const SbVec3f & getNormal() const

float getDistanceFromOrigin() const

int operator ==(const SbPlane &p1, const SbPlane &p2)

int operator !=(const SbPlane &p1, const SbPlane &p2)

Represents an oriented plane in 3D. This is a lightweight class/datatype that is used for arguments to some Inventor objects.


SbPlane(const SbVec3f &p0, const SbVec3f &p1, const SbVec3f &p2)

SbPlane(const SbVec3f &normal, float distance)

SbPlane(const SbVec3f &normal, const SbVec3f &point)

Constructors. p0, p1, and p2 represent three points in the plane. normal is a normal vector, distance is distance from origin to plane along normal vector, and point is a point in 3-space for the plane to pass through.

void offset(float d)

Offset a plane by a given distance.

SbBool intersect(const SbLine &l, SbVec3f &intersection) const

Intersect line and plane, returning TRUE if there is an intersection, FALSE if line is parallel to plane.

void transform(const SbMatrix &matrix)

Transforms the plane by the given matrix.

SbBool isInHalfSpace(const SbVec3f &point) const

Returns TRUE if the given point is within the half-space defined by the plane.

const SbVec3f & getNormal() const

Returns normal vector to plane.

float getDistanceFromOrigin() const

Returns distance from origin to plane.

int operator ==(const SbPlane &p1, const SbPlane &p2)

int operator !=(const SbPlane &p1, const SbPlane &p2)

Equality/inequality comparison operators.

SbVec3f, SbLine