- new
- Null constructor
- configure
- Set up the object for the current analysis.
$genotype->configure('my.bam', $min_pbq, $min_mapq [, $fasta])
- _wrap_c_alleleCounter
- Generic function to generate allele counts from a chr\tpos\n formatted
file (1-based) by calling the C version.
Calling function should provided an intermediate path for the
output if data needs reformatting for SNP6 style loci input files.
- get_full_snp6_profile
- Writes tab seperated allelic counts and depth to specified FH Uses all
snps defined in file used by ngs_cn (format slightly different)
- get_full_loci_profile
- Writes tab seperated allelic counts and depth to specified FH Uses all
loci defined in specified file
- gender_chk
- Writes the chromosome name for the Male sex chromosome as defined by loci
file and 'Y/N' indicating presence of any of the SNPs. E.g.
chrX Y
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are
explained below:
- Around line 43:
- '=item' outside of any '=over'
=over without closing =back