SVN::Class::Info(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation SVN::Class::Info(3pm)

SVN::Class::Info - Subversion workspace info

 use SVN::Class;
 my $file = svn_file( 'path/to/file' );
 my $info = $file->info;
 printf "repository URL = %s\n", $info->url;

SVN::Class::Info represents the output of the "svn info" command.

SVN::Class::Info does not inherit from SVN::Class, but only Class::Accessor::Fast.

Creates new SVN::Class::Info instance. The lone argument should be an array ref of output from a call to the SVN::Class object's info() method.

You normally do not need to use this method directly. See the SVN::Class info() method.

Returns dump() of the object, just like SVN::Class->dump().

Get the URL value. Returns a SVN::Class::Repos object.

Working Copy Root Path

Get/set the info params. These are really only useful as accessors (getters).

Peter Karman, "<karman at>"

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-svn-class at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc SVN::Class

You can also look for information at:

I looked at SVN::Agent before starting this project. It has a different API, more like SVN::Client in the SVN::Core, but I cribbed some of the ideas.

The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute "" sponsored the development of this software.

Copyright 2008 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Path::Class, Class::Accessor::Fast, SVN::Agent, IPC::Cmd

2022-06-17 perl v5.34.0