SQL::Statement::Operation(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation SQL::Statement::Operation(3pm)

SQL::Statement::Operation - base class for all operation terms

  # create an operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner, specifying
  # the operation name (for error purposes), the left and the right
  # operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Operation->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation is an abstract base class providing the interface for all operation terms.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Instantiates new operation term.

Return the result of the operation of the term by calling operate

Abstract method which will do the operation of the term. Must be overridden by derived classes.

Returns the name of the executed operation.

Returns the left operand (if any).

Returns the right operand (if any).


Destroys the term and undefines the weak reference to the owner as well as the stored operation, the left and the right operand.

SQL::Statement::Operation::Neg - negate operation

  # create an <not> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and B<no> right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Neg->new( $owner, $op, $left, undef );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );


  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return the logical negated value of the left operand.

SQL::Statement::Operation::And - and operation

  # create an C<and> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::And->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::And implements the logical "and" operation between two terms.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return the result of the logical "and" operation for the values of the left and right operand.

SQL::Statement::Operation::Or - or operation

  # create an C<or> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Or->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Or implements the logical "or" operation between two terms.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return the result of the logical "or" operation for the values of the left and right operand.

SQL::Statement::Operation::Is - is operation

  # create an C<is> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Is->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Is supports: "IS NULL", "IS TRUE" and "IS FALSE". The right operand is always evaluated in boolean context in case of "IS TRUE" and "IS FALSE". "IS NULL" returns true even if the left term is an empty string ('').

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Returns true when the left term is null, true or false - based on the requested right value.

SQL::Statement::Operation::ANSI::Is - is operation

  # create an C<is> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Is->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::ANSI::Is supports: "IS NULL", "IS TRUE" and "IS FALSE". The right operand is always evaluated in boolean context in case of "IS TRUE" and "IS FALSE". "IS NULL" returns true if the right term is not defined, false otherwise.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Returns true when the left term is null, true or false - based on the requested right value.

SQL::Statement::Operation::Contains - in operation

  # create an C<in> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Contains->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Contains expects the right operand is an array of SQL::Statement::Term instances. It checks whether the left operand is in the list of the right operands or not like:

  $left->value($eval) ~~ map { $_->value($eval) } @{$right}

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Returns true when the left term is equal to any of the right terms

SQL::Statement::Operation::Between - between operation

  # create an C<between> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Between->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Between expects the right operand is an array of 2 SQL::Statement::Term instances. It checks whether the left operand is between the right operands like:

     ( $left->value($eval) >= $right[0]->value($eval) )
  && ( $left->value($eval) <= $right[1]->value($eval) )

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Returns true when the left term is between both right terms

SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality - abstract base class for comparisons

  # create an C<equality> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Equality->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality implements compare operations between two terms - choosing either numerical comparison or string comparison, depending whether both operands are numeric or not.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return the result of the comparison.

Abstract method which will do the numeric comparison of both terms. Must be overridden by derived classes.

Abstract method which will do the string comparison of both terms. Must be overridden by derived classes.

SQL::Statement::Operation::Equal - implements equal operation

  # create an C<equal> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Equal->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Equal implements compare operations between two numbers and two strings.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return true when "$left == $right"

Return true when "$left eq $right"

SQL::Statement::Operation::NotEqual - implements not equal operation

  # create an C<not equal> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::NotEqual->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::NotEqual implements negated compare operations between two numbers and two strings.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return true when "$left != $right"

Return true when "$left ne $right"

SQL::Statement::Operation::Lower - implements lower than operation

  # create an C<lower than> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Lower->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Lower implements lower than compare operations between two numbers and two strings.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return true when "$left < $right"

Return true when "$left lt $right"

SQL::Statement::Operation::Greater - implements greater than operation

  # create an C<greater than> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Greater->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Greater implements greater than compare operations between two numbers and two strings.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return true when $left $right>

Return true when "$left gt $right"

SQL::Statement::Operation::LowerEqual - implements lower equal operation

  # create an C<lower equal> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::LowerEqual->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::LowerEqual implements lower equal compare operations between two numbers and two strings.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return true when "$left <= $right"

Return true when "$left le $right"

SQL::Statement::Operation::GreaterEqual - implements greater equal operation

  # create an C<greater equal> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::GreaterEqual->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::GreaterEqual implements greater equal compare operations between two numbers and two strings.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Equality
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return true when $left = $right>

Return true when "$left ge $right"

SQL::Statement::Operation::Regexp - abstract base class for comparisons based on regular expressions

  # create an C<regexp> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Regexp->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Regexp implements the comparisons for the "LIKE" operation family.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
    ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Return the result of the comparison.

Returns the regular expression based on the right term. The right term is expected to be constant - so "a LIKE b" in not supported.

Abstract method which must return a regular expression ("qr//") from the given string. Must be overridden by derived classes.

SQL::Statement::Operation::Like - implements the like operation

  # create an C<like> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Like->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Like is used to the comparisons for the "LIKE" operation.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Regexp
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Returns "qr/^$right$/s"

SQL::Statement::Operation::Clike - implements the clike operation

  # create an C<clike> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::Clike->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::Clike is used to the comparisons for the "CLIKE" operation.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Regexp
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Returns "qr/^$right$/si"

SQL::Statement::Operation::RLike - implements the rlike operation

  # create an C<rlike> operation with an SQL::Statement object as owner,
  # specifying the operation name, the left and the right operand
  my $term = SQL::Statement::RLike->new( $owner, $op, $left, $right );
  # access the result of that operation
  $term->value( $eval );

SQL::Statement::Operation::RLike is used to the comparisons for the "RLIKE" operation.

  ISA SQL::Statement::Operation::Regexp
    ISA SQL::Statement::Operation
      ISA SQL::Statement::Term

Returns "qr/$right$/s"

Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by Jens Rehsack: rehsackATcpan.org

All rights reserved.

You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.

2020-10-23 perl v5.30.3