SQL::Eval(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | SQL::Eval(3pm) |
SQL::Eval - Base for deriving evaluation objects for SQL::Statement
require SQL::Statement; require SQL::Eval; # Create an SQL statement; use a concrete subclass of # SQL::Statement my $stmt = MyStatement->new("SELECT * FROM foo, bar", SQL::Parser->new('Ansi')); # Get an eval object by calling open_tables; this # will call MyStatement::open_table my $eval = $stmt->open_tables($data); # Set parameter 0 to 'Van Gogh' $eval->param(0, 'Van Gogh'); # Get parameter 2 my $param = $eval->param(2); # Get the SQL::Eval::Table object referring the 'foo' table my $fooTable = $eval->table('foo');
This module implements two classes that can be used for deriving subclasses to evaluate SQL::Statement objects. The SQL::Eval object can be thought as an abstract state engine for executing SQL queries and the SQL::Eval::Table object is a table abstraction. It implements methods for fetching or storing rows, retrieving column names and numbers and so on. See the "test.pl" script as an example for implementing a subclass.
While reading on, keep in mind that these are abstract classes, you *must* implement at least some of the methods described below. In addition, you need not derive from SQL::Eval or SQL::Eval::Table, you just need to implement the method interface.
All methods throw a Perl exception in case of errors.
$eval = SQL::Eval->new(\%attr);
Blesses the hash ref \%attr into the SQL::Eval class (or a subclass).
$eval->param(0, $val); # Set parameter 0 $eval->param(0); # Get parameter 0
$eval->params($params); # Set the array $eval->params(); # Get the array
$eval->table('foo', $fooTable); # Set the 'foo' table object $eval->table('foo'); # Return the 'foo' table object
$col = $eval->column('foo', 'id'); # Return the 'id' column of # the current row in the # 'foo' table
This is equivalent to and a shorthand for
$col = $eval->table('foo')->column('id');
$eval = SQL::Eval::Table->new(\%attr);
Blesses the hash ref \%attr into the SQL::Eval::Table class (or a subclass).
The following attributes are used by "SQL::Eval::Table":
$row = $table->row();
$col = $table->column($colName);
$colNum = $table->column_num($colNum);
The following capabilities are used (and requested) by SQL::Statement:
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by any derived classes.
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by derived classes.
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by derived classes.
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by derived classes.
Example: The table storage is using a hash on the "PRIMARY KEY" of the table. Real perl hashes do not care when an item is updated while the hash is traversed using "each". "SDBM_File" 1.06 has a bug, which does not adjust the traversal pointer when an item is deleted.
"SQL::Statement::RAM::Table" recognizes such situations and adjusts the traversal pointer.
This might not be possible for all implementations which can update single rows.
This capability could be provided by a derived class only.
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by derived classes.
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by derived classes.
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by derived classes.
This capability should be provided by a derived class only.
This capability is evaluated automatically on first request and must not be handled by derived classes.
If the capabilities rowwise_update and insert_new_row are provided, the table primitive "push_row" is not required anymore and may be omitted.
The above methods are implemented by SQL::Eval::Table. The following methods are not, so that they *must* be implemented by the subclass. See the "DBD::DBM::Table" or "DBD::CSV::Table" for example.
$row = $table->fetch_row($data);
Note, that you may use
$row = $table->row();
for retrieving the same row again, until the next call of "fetch_row".
"SQL::Statement" requires that the last fetched row is available again and again via "$table-"row()>.
$table->push_row($data, $row);
$table->push_names($data, $names);
$table->seek($data, $whence, $rowNum);
Actually the current implementation only uses "seek($data, 0, 0)" (first row) and "seek($data, 2, 0)" (beyond last row, end of file).
The current implementation is quite simple: An SQL::Eval object is an hash ref with only two attributes. The "params" attribute is an array ref of parameters. The "tables" attribute is an hash ref of table names (keys) and table objects (values).
SQL::Eval::Table instances are implemented as hash refs. Attributes used are "row" (the array ref of the current row), "col_nums" (an hash ref of column names as keys and column numbers as values) and "col_names", an array ref of column names with the column numbers as indexes.
All methods are working with instance-local data only, thus the module is reentrant and thread safe, if you either do not share handles between threads or grant serialized use.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-sql-statement at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=SQL-Statement>. I will be notified, and then you will automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc SQL::Eval perldoc SQL::Statement
You can also look for information at:
Written by Jochen Wiedmann and currently maintained by Jens Rehsack.
This module is Copyright (C) 1998 by
Jochen Wiedmann Am Eisteich 9 72555 Metzingen Germany Email: joe@ispsoft.de Phone: +49 7123 14887
and Copyright (C) 2009, 2017 by
Jens Rehsack < rehsackATcpan.org>
All rights reserved.
You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
2020-10-23 | perl v5.30.3 |