SNMP::Info::NortelStack - SNMP Interface to the Avaya/Nortel
# Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you.
my $stack = new SNMP::Info(
AutoSpecify => 1,
Debug => 1,
# These arguments are passed directly on to SNMP::Session
DestHost => 'myswitch',
Community => 'public',
Version => 2
or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n";
my $class = $stack->class();
print "SNMP::Info determined this device to fall under subclass : $class\n";
SNMP::Info::NortelStack is a subclass of SNMP::Info that provides
an interface to S5-AGENT-MIB and S5-CHASSIS-MIB. These MIBs
are used across the Avaya/Nortel Stackable Ethernet Switches (BayStack), as
well as, older Nortel devices such as the Centillion family of ATM
Use or create in a subclass of SNMP::Info. Do not use
These are methods that return scalar values from SNMP
- $stack->os_ver()
- Returns the software version extracted from
- $stack->os_bin()
- Returns the firmware version extracted from
- $stack->serial()
- Returns serial number of the chassis
- $stack->ns_ag_ver()
- Returns the version of the agent in the form
- $stack->ns_op_mode()
- Returns the stacking mode.
- $stack->tftp_action()
- This object is used to download or upload a config file or an image file.
- $stack->tftp_result()
- Returns the status of the latest action as shown by
- $stack->ns_auto_pvid()
- Returns the value indicating whether adding a port as a member of a VLAN
automatically results in its PVID being set to be the same as that VLAN
- $stack->tftp_file()
- Name of the binary configuration file that will be downloaded/uploaded
when the $stack->tftp_action() object is
- $stack->tftp_host()
- The IP address of the TFTP server for all TFTP operations.
- $stack->vlan()
- Returns the VLAN ID of the system's management VLAN.
- $stack->ch_ser()
- Returns the serial number of the chassis.
- $stack->ns_cfg_chg()
- Returns the total number of configuration changes (other than attachment
changes, or physical additions or removals) in the chassis that have been
detected since cold/warm start.
- $stack->ns_cfg_time()
- Returns the value of "sysUpTime" when
the last configuration change (other than attachment changes, or physical
additions or removals) in the chassis was detected.
These are methods that return tables of information in the form of
a reference to a hash.
- $stack->i_cfg_file()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Name of the file
- $stack->i_cfg_host()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: IP address of the load
- $stack->ns_com_grp_idx()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Index of the chassis
level group which contains this component.
- $stack->ns_com_idx()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Index of the component
in the group. For modules in the 'board' group, this is the slot number.
- $stack->ns_com_sub_idx()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Index of the
sub-component in the component.
- $stack->ns_com_type()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Type
- $stack->ns_com_descr()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Description
- $stack->ns_com_ver()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Version
- $stack->ns_com_serial()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Serial Number
- $stack->ns_store_grp_idx()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Index of the chassis
level group.
- $stack->ns_store_idx()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Index of the group.
- $stack->ns_store_sub_idx()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Index of the
- $stack->ns_store_idx()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Index of the storage
- $stack->ns_store_type()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Type
- $stack->ns_store_size()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Size
- $stack->ns_store_ver()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: Table entry, Value: Version
These methods emulate ENTITY-MIB Physical Table methods
- $stack->ns_e_index()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Integer, Indices are combined
into a six digit integer, each index is two digits padded with leading
zero if required.
- $stack->ns_e_class()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: General hardware type
Group is stripped from the string. Values may be Supervisory
Module, Back Plane, Board, Power Supply, Sensor, Fan, Clock, Unit.
- $stack->ns_e_descr()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Human friendly name
- $stack->ns_e_name()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Human friendly name
- $stack->ns_e_hwver()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Hardware version
- $stack->ns_e_vendor()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: avaya
- $stack->ns_e_serial()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Serial number
- $stack->ns_e_pos()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: The relative position among
all entities sharing the same parent.
- $stack->ns_e_type()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Type of
component/sub-component as defined under
"s5ChasComTypeVal" in
- $stack->ns_e_fwver()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Firmware revision.
Value of
"s5ChasStoreCntntVer" for entries with
rom, boot, or firmware in
- $stack->ns_e_swver()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Software revision.
Value of
"s5ChasStoreCntntVer" for entries with
"flash" in
- $stack->ns_e_parent()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: The value of
ns_e_index() for the entity which 'contains' this entity. A value
of zero indicates this entity is not contained in any other entity.
- $stack->munge_ns_grp_type()
- Munges "s5ChasGrpType" into an
"ENTITY-MIB PhysicalClass"