SNMP::Info::Layer2::Trapeze - SNMP Interface to Juniper (Trapeze)
Wireless Controllers
#Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you.
my $trapeze = new SNMP::Info(
AutoSpecify => 1,
Debug => 1,
DestHost => 'myswitch',
Community => 'public',
Version => 2
or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n";
my $class = $trapeze->class();
print " Using device sub class : $class\n";
Provides abstraction to the configuration information obtainable
from Juniper (Trapeze) Wireless Controllers through SNMP.
This class emulates bridge functionality for the wireless switch.
This enables end station MAC addresses collection and correlation to the
thin access point the end station is using for communication.
See "Required MIBs" in SNMP::Info::Layer2 for its own
MIB requirements.
These are methods that return scalar value from SNMP
- $trapeze->vendor()
- Returns 'juniper'
- $trapeze->os()
- Returns 'trapeze'
- $trapeze->os_ver()
- ("trpzVersionString")
- $trapeze->model()
- Tries to reference $trapeze->id() to
Removes 'wirelessLANController' for
- $trapeze->serial()
- ("trpzSerialNumber")
- $trapeze->mac()
- ("dot1dBaseBridgeAddress")
- $trapeze->layers()
- Returns 00000011. Class emulates Layer 2 functionality for Thin APs
through proprietary MIBs.
See documentation in "GLOBALS" in SNMP::Info::Layer2 for
These are methods that return tables of information in the form of
a reference to a hash.
- $trapeze->i_ssidlist()
- Returns reference to hash. SSID's recognized by the radio interface.
- $trapeze->i_80211channel()
- Returns reference to hash. Current operating frequency channel of the
radio interface.
- $trapeze->dot11_cur_tx_pwr_mw()
- Returns reference to hash. Current transmit power, in milliwatts, of the
radio interface.
- cd11_mac()
- Client MAC address.
AP Status Table ("trpzApStatApStatusTable")
A table describing all the APs currently present and managed by
the controller.
- $trapeze->trapeze_ap_mac()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusBaseMac")
- $trapeze->trapeze_ap_name()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusApName")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_ip()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusIpAddress")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_sw()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusSoftwareVer")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_fw()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusBootVer")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_model()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusModel")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_type()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusModel")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_status()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusApState")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_vendor()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusManufacturerId")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_num()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusApNum")
- $nws2300->trapeze_ap_dapnum()
- ("trpzApStatApStatusPortOrDapNum")
AP Radio Status Table
A table describing all radios on all the APs currently present and
managed by the controller.
- $nws2300->trapeze_apif_mac()
- ("trpzApStatRadioStatusBaseMac")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apif_type()
- ("trpzApStatRadioStatusRadioPhyType")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apif_ch_num()
- ("trpzApStatRadioStatusCurrentChannelNum")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apif_power()
- ("trpzApStatRadioStatusCurrentPowerLevel")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apif_admin()
- ("trpzApStatRadioStatusRadioMode")
AP Radio Status Service Table
A table describing radio services associated with APs currently
present and managed by the controller.
- $nws2300->trapeze_apif_bssid()
- ("trpzApStatRadioServBssid")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apif_prof()
- ("trpzApStatRadioServServiceProfileName")
AP Service Profile Config Table
- $nws2300->trapeze_ess_bcast()
- ("trpzApConfServProfBeaconEnabled")
AP Radio Config Table
- $nws2300->trapeze_apcr_txpwr()
- ("trpzApConfRadioConfigTxPower")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apcr_ch()
- ("trpzApConfRadioConfigChannel")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apcr_mode()
- ("trpzApConfRadioConfigRadioMode")
AP Config Table ("trpzApConfApConfigTable")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apc_descr()
- ("trpzApConfApConfigDescription")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apc_loc()
- ("trpzApConfApConfigLocation")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apc_name()
- ("trpzApConfApConfigApName")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apc_model()
- ("trpzApConfApConfigApModelName")
- $nws2300->trapeze_apc_serial()
- ("trpzApConfApConfigApSerialNum")
- $nws2300->trapeze_sta_slot()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessRadioNum")
- $nws2300->trapeze_sta_serial()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessApSerialNum")
- $nws2300->trapeze_sta_ssid()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessSsid")
- $nws2300->trapeze_sta_ip()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessIpAddress")
These emulate the CISCO-DOT11-MIB
- $nws2300->cd11_sigstrength()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessStatsLastRssi")
- $nws2300->cd11_sigqual()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessStatsLastSNR")
- $nws2300->cd11_txrate()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessStatsLastRate")
- $nws2300->cd11_rxbyte()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessStatsUniOctetIn")
- $nws2300->cd11_txbyte()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessStatsUniOctetOut")
- $nws2300->cd11_rxpkt()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessStatsUniPktIn")
- $nws2300->cd11_txpkt()
- ("trpzClSessClientSessStatsUniPktOut")
See documentation in "TABLE METHODS" in
SNMP::Info::Layer2 for details.
- $trapeze->i_index()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to Interface index.
Extends "ifIndex" to support
thin APs and WLAN virtual interfaces as device interfaces.
- $trapeze->interfaces()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to ports. Thin APs are implemented as
device interfaces. The thin AP MAC address and Slot ID
trapeze_apif_slot() are used as the port identifier.
- $trapeze->i_name()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to interface names. Returns
"ifName" for Ethernet interfaces and
trapeze_ap_name() for thin AP interfaces.
- $trapeze->i_description()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to interface types. Returns
"ifDescr" for Ethernet interfaces,
trapeze_ap_name() for thin AP interfaces.
- $trapeze->i_type()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to interface descriptions. Returns
"ifType" for Ethernet interfaces and
'capwapWtpVirtualRadio' for thin AP
- $trapeze->i_up()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to link status of the interface. Returns
"ifOperStatus" for Ethernet interfaces
and trapeze_apif_admin() for thin AP interfaces.
- $trapeze->i_up_admin()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to administrative status of the
interface. Returns "ifAdminStatus" for
Ethernet interfaces and trapeze_apif_admin() for thin AP
- $trapeze->i_mac()
- Returns reference to map of IIDs to MAC address of the interface. Returns
"ifPhysAddress" for Ethernet
- $trapeze->bp_index()
- Simulates bridge MIB by returning reference to a hash mapping
i_index() to the interface iid.
- $trapeze->fw_port()
- Returns reference to a hash, value being mac and trapeze_sta_slot()
combined to match the interface iid.
- $trapeze->fw_mac()
- Extracts the MAC from the trapeze_sta_serial() index.
Pseudo ARP Cache Entries
The controller snoops on the MAC->IP mappings. Using this as
ARP cache data allows us to get MAC->IP mappings even for stations that
only communicate locally. The data is gathered from
- $trapeze->at_paddr()
- Returns reference to hash of Pseudo Arp Cache Entries to MAC address
- $trapeze->at_netaddr()
- Returns reference to hash of Pseudo Arp Cache Entries to IP Address
Pseudo ENTITY-MIB information
These methods emulate ENTITY-MIB Physical Table methods
using TRAPEZE-NETWORKS-AP-STATUS-MIB. Thin APs are included as
subcomponents of the wireless controller.
- $trapeze->e_index()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID and Value: Integer. The index for APs
is created with an integer representation of the last three octets of the
AP MAC address.
- $trapeze->e_class()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: General hardware type. Return
ap for wireless access points.
- $trapeze->e_descr()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Human friendly name.
- $trapeze->e_model()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Model name.
- $trapeze->e_name()
- More computer friendly name of entity. Name is either 'WLAN Controller' or
- $trapeze->e_vendor()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: avaya.
- $trapeze->e_serial()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Serial number.
- $trapeze->e_pos()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: The relative position among
all entities sharing the same parent.
- $trapeze->e_type()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Type of component.
- $trapeze->e_fwver()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Firmware revision.
- $trapeze->e_swver()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: Software revision.
- $trapeze->e_parent()
- Returns reference to hash. Key: IID, Value: The value of e_index()
for the entity which 'contains' this entity.