SNMP::Info::CiscoStats(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation SNMP::Info::CiscoStats(3pm)

SNMP::Info::CiscoStats - Perl5 Interface to CPU and Memory stats for Cisco Devices

Eric Miller, Max Baker, Sam Stickland

 # Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you.
 my $ciscostats = new SNMP::Info(
                    AutoSpecify => 1,
                    Debug       => 1,
                    # These arguments are passed directly on to SNMP::Session
                    DestHost    => 'myswitch',
                    Community   => 'public',
                    Version     => 2
    or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n";
 my $class      = $ciscostats->class();
 print "SNMP::Info determined this device to fall under subclass : $class\n";

SNMP::Info::CiscoStats is a subclass of SNMP::Info that provides cpu, memory, os and version information about Cisco Devices.

Use or create in a subclass of SNMP::Info. Do not use directly.


Returns ios_cpu() or cat_cpu(), whichever is available.
Returns ios_cpu_1min() or cat_cpu1min(), whichever is available.
Returns ios_cpu_5min() or cat_cpu5min(), whichever is available.
Returns mem_free() + mem_used()
Tries to parse if device is running 'IOS', 'CatOS', 'IOS-XE' or something else from description()

Available values:

 'ios'          for Cisco IOS
 'ios-xe'       for Cisco IOS XE
 'ios-xr'       for Cisco IOS XR
 'pix'          for Cisco PIX
 'asa'          for Cisco ASA
 'fwsm'         for Single-mode FWSM
 'fwsm-admin'   for Admin context of multi-context FWSM
 'fwsm-context' for Standard context of multi-context FWSM
 'ace-admin'    for Admin context of ACE module
 'ace-context'  for Standard context of ACE module (NB: No OS version
                     detection is available, but will be the same as it's
                     'ace admin')
 'css'          for Cisco Content Switch
 'css-sca'      for Cisco Content Switch Secure Content Acceleration
 'san-os'       for Cisco SAN-OS
Tries to parse device operating system version from description(), falls back to parsing "CISCO-IMAGE-MIB::ciscoImageString" if needed
Tries to parse "ROMMON" version from rom_id() string
Current CPU usage in percent. = "OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB:avgBusyPer"

Average CPU Usage in percent over the last minute.

Average CPU Usage in percent over the last 5 minutes.

Current CPU usage in percent.


Average CPU Usage in percent over the last minute.


Average CPU Usage in percent over the last 5 minutes.


Main DRAM free of the device in bytes.


Main DRAM used of the device in bytes.


Main DRAM of the device in bytes.

"CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolFree" + "CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB::ciscoMemoryPoolUsed"

Flash memory of the device in bytes.


The number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device.


The number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.


Total size of the Flash device. For a removable device, the size will be zero if the device has been removed.


Returns the table of image strings.


2023-09-30 perl v5.36.0