Router::Simple::Cookbook(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Router::Simple::Cookbook(3pm)

Router::Simple::Cookbook - The Router::Simple Cookbook

Please read the following example code.

    package MySinatraish;
    use Router::Simple;
    use Plack::Request;
    sub import {
        my $pkg = caller(0);
        my $router = Router::Simple->new();
        my $any = sub ($$;$) {
            my ($pattern, $dest, $opt) = do {
                if (@_ == 3) {
                    my ($methods, $pattern, $code) = @_;
                    ($pattern, {code => $code}, +{method => [ map { uc $_ } @$methods ]});
                } else {
                    my ($pattern, $code) = @_;
                    ($pattern, {code => $code}, +{});
        no strict 'refs';
        # any [qw/get post delete/] => '/bye' => sub { ... };
        # any '/bye' => sub { ... };
        *{"${pkg}::any"} = $any;
        *{"${pkg}::get"} = sub {
            $any->([qw/GET HEAD/], $_[0], $_[1]);
        *{"${pkg}::post"} = sub {
            $any->([qw/POST/], $_[0], $_[1]);
        *{"${pkg}::as_psgi_app"} = sub {
            return sub {
                if (my $p = $router->match($_[0])) {
                    [200, [], [$p->{code}->()]];
                } else {
                    [404, [], ['not found']];
    package MyApp;
    use MySinatraish;
    get '/' => sub {
    post '/new' => sub {

HTTPx::Dispatcher is class specific declarative router.

    package MyApp::Dispatcher;
    use HTTPx::Dispatcher;
    connect '/', {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'};

The following script is same as above.

    package MyApp::Dispatcher;
    use Router::Simple::Declare;
    my $router = router {
        connect '/', {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'};
    sub match { $router->match() }

    use Router::Simple::Declare;
    my $router = router {
        connect '/foo/bar/' => { 'target' => '/foobar.asp' };
        connect '/topics/:topic' => { target => '/my-topic.asp' };
        connect '/products/{Category:.*}' => { target => '/products.asp', Category => 'All' };
        connect '/zipcode/{zip:[0-9]{5,5}}' => {target => '/zipcode.asp' };

You can pass the target path as destination.

Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF GMAIL COM>

Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


2022-11-27 perl v5.36.0