Rex::Shared::Var(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Rex::Shared::Var(3pm)

Rex::Shared::Var - Share variables across Rex tasks

Share variables across Rex tasks with the help of Storable, using a "vars.db.$PID" file in the local directory, where $PID is the PID of the parent process.

 BEGIN {                           # put share in a BEGIN block
   use Rex::Shared::Var;
   share qw($scalar @array %hash); # share the listed variables

Currently nesting data structures works only if the assignment is made on the top level of the structure, or when the nested structures are also shared variables. For example:

   use Rex::Shared::Var;
   share qw(%hash %nested);
 # this doesn't work as expected
 $hash{key} = { nested_key => 42 };
 $hash{key}->{nested_key} = -1; # $hash{key}->{nested_key} still returns 42
 # workaround 1 - top level assignments
 $hash{key} = { nested_key => 42 };
 $hash{key} = { nested_key => -1 };
 # workaround 2 - nesting shared variables
 $nested{nested_key}      = 42;
 $hash{key}               = \%nested;
 $hash{key}->{nested_key} = -1;

Share the passed list of variables across Rex tasks. Should be used in a "BEGIN" block.

   use Rex::Shared::Var;
   share qw($error_count);
 task 'count', sub {
   $error_count += run 'wc -l /var/log/syslog';
 after_task_finished 'count', sub {
   say "Total number of errors: $error_count";
2023-08-09 perl v5.36.0