Rex::Commands::Service(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Rex::Commands::Service(3pm)

Rex::Commands::Service - Manage System Services

With this module you can manage Linux services.

 use Rex::Commands::Service
 service apache2 => "start";
 service apache2 => "stop";
 service apache2 => "restart";
 service apache2 => "status";
 service apache2 => "reload";
 service apache2 => "ensure", "started";
 service apache2 => "ensure", "stopped";

The service function accepts 2 parameters. The first is the service name and the second the action you want to perform.

 task "start-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "start";
 task "stop-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "stop";
 task "restart-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "restart";
 task "status-service", "server01", sub {
   if( service apache2 => "status" ) {
     say "Apache2 is running";
   else {
     say "Apache2 is not running";
 task "reload-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "reload";
 task "prepare", sub {
   service "apache2",
     ensure => "started";
 task "prepare", sub {
   service "apache2",
     ensure => "stopped";

If you need to define a custom command for start, stop, restart, reload or status you can do this with the corresponding options.

 task "prepare", sub {
   service "apache2",
     ensure  => "started",
     start   => "/usr/local/bin/httpd -f /etc/my/httpd.conf",
     stop    => "killall httpd",
     status  => "ps -efww | grep httpd",
     restart => "killall httpd && /usr/local/bin/httpd -f /etc/my/httpd.conf",
     reload  => "killall httpd && /usr/local/bin/httpd -f /etc/my/httpd.conf";

This function supports the following hooks:

For example: "before_start", "before_stop", "before_restart"

This gets executed right before the given service action. All original parameters are passed to it.

For example: "after_start", "after_stop", "after_restart"

This gets executed right after the given service action. All original parameters, and any returned results are passed to it.

To set another service provider as the default, use this function.

 user "root";
 group "db" => "db[01..10]";
 service_provider_for SunOS => "svcadm";
 task "start", group => "db", sub {
    service ssh => "restart";

This example will restart the ssh service via svcadm (but only on SunOS, on other operating systems it will use the default).

2023-08-09 perl v5.36.0