RectComp(3U) InterViews Reference Manual RectComp(3U)

RectComp, RectView, PSRect - rectangle component subject, view, and PostScript external representation

#include <Unidraw/Components/rect.h>

RectComp is a GraphicComp that defines a rectangle. It uses an SF_Rect graphic to store its graphical attributes. RectView is a GraphicView for displaying the rectangle. PSRect is a PostScriptView that externalizes the subject's information in PostScript form.

The constructor takes an optional stroked-filled rectangle that defines the attributes of the rectangle.
Return the SF_Rect graphic that defines the rectangle's attributes. GetRect is simply a more specific form of the GetGraphic operation.

Create an RectView, optionally supplying the subject.
RectView interprets AlignToGridCmd to align its lower-left to the grid.
RectView redefines its response to manipulation with a GraphicCompTool. GraphicCompTool will let the user sweep out a rectangle that reflects the RectComp's size. Creation will be influenced by gravity, if any. RectView also defines a response to the ReshapeTool, allowing the user to click on one of its corners to reposition it. The subject is actually replaced (via ReplaceCmd) with a PolygonComp subject reflecting the repositioned corner. Repositioning will be influenced by gravity.
GetCorners takes two arrays of four Coord values and stores into them the coordinates of its corners, in canvas coordinates.
Return the subject.

RectView redefines CreateHandles to use a RubberHandles object with four handles, one at each corner of the rectangle.

Construct a PostScript external representation of the given subject, if any.

GraphicComp(3U), GraphicCompTool(3U), GraphicView(3U), Grid(3U), PolygonComp(3U), PostScriptView(3U), ReshapeTool(3U), align(3U), edit(3U), polygons(3U)

22 January 1991 Unidraw