RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_INSTANCE_ARRAY - instance array geometry type
#include <embree4/rtcore.h> RTCGeometry geometry = rtcNewGeometry(device, RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_INSTANCE_ARRAY);
Embree supports instance arrays, which is a more memory efficient way to represent large amounts of instances of the same or a small set of (sub)scenes. The main difference to regular Embree instances is that Embree instance arrays have a buffer of transformations (either affine transformations or quaternion decompositions [RTCQuaternionDecomposition]) that can be allocated by Embree or a shared buffer, similar to vertex buffers for triangle meshes. Optionally, instead of instancing only one scene, an instance array can instance multiple scenes by passing an array of scenes and a corresponding index buffer that specifies which instance of the instance array instances which of the scenes in the scenes array.
Instance arrays are created by passing RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_INSTANCE_ARRAY to the rtcNewGeometry function call. The instanced scene can be either be set using the rtcSetGeometryInstancedScene call, or if multiple scenes should be instanced by passing an array of scenes using rtcSetGeometryInstancedScenes. The latter also requires to specify an index buffer using rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer or rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer with RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_INDEX as the buffer type.
Because the transformation information can become large for a large amount of instances, the instance array allows to share the transformation buffer between the user application and Embree. It can be either stored in a buffer created by Embree with rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer or an already existing buffer can be shared using rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer. In either case, the buffer type has to be RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_TRANSFORM and the allowed formats are RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT4X4_COLUMN_MAJOR, RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT3X4_COLUMN_MAJOR, RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT3X4_ROW_MAJOR, and RTC_FORMAT_QUATERNION_DECOMPOSITION. Embree will not modify the data in the transformation buffer.
Embree instance arrays support both single-level instancing and multi-level instancing. The maximum instance nesting depth is RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; it can be configured at compile-time using the constant EMBREE_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT. Users should adapt this constant to their needs: instances nested any deeper are silently ignored in release mode, and cause assertions in debug mode.
Please note that rtcCommitScene on the instanced scene(s) should be called first, followed by rtcCommitGeometry on the instance array, followed by rtcCommitScene for the top-level scene containing the instance array.
If a ray hits the instance, the geomID and primID members of the hit are set to the geometry ID and primitive ID of the hit primitive in the instanced scene. The instID member of the hit is set to the geometry ID of the instance array in the top-level scene and the instPrimID member is set to the index of the hit instance of the instance array.
For multi-segment motion blur, the number of time steps must be first specified using the rtcSetGeometryTimeStepCount function. Then a transformation for each time step can be specified using the rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer or rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer function and passing the time step as the slot parameter of these calls.
See the [Instance Array Geometry] tutorial for an example of how to use instance arrays.
On failure NULL is returned and an error code is set that can be queried using rtcGetDeviceError.
[rtcNewGeometry], [rtcSetGeometryInstancedScene], [rtcSetGeometryInstancedScenes], [rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer], [rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer], [rtcGetGeometryTransformEx]