RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL(3pm)

RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL - An RDQL parser for RDF::Query

This document describes RDF::Query::Parser::RDQL version 2.918.

"new ( $query_object ) "
Returns a new RDF::Query object.
"parse ( $query ) "
Parses the supplied RDQL query string, returning a parse tree.

 Revision 1.5  2006/01/11 06:03:45  greg
 - Removed use of Data::Dumper::Simple.
 Revision 1.4  2005/05/08 08:26:09  greg
 - Added initial support for SPARQL ASK, DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT queries.
   - Added new test files for new query types.
 - Added methods to bridge classes for creating statements and blank nodes.
 - Added as_string method to bridge classes for getting string versions of nodes.
 - Broke out triple fixup code into fixup_triple_bridge_variables().
 - Updated FILTER test to use new Geo::Distance API.
 Revision 1.3  2005/04/26 02:54:40  greg
 - added core support for custom function constraints support
 - added initial SPARQL support for custom function constraints
 - SPARQL variables may now begin with the '$' sigil
 - broke out URL fixups into its own method
 - added direction support for ORDER BY (ascending/descending)
 - added 'next', 'current', and 'end' to Stream API
 Revision 1.2  2005/04/25 00:59:29  greg
 - streams are now objects usinig the Redland QueryResult API
 - RDF namespace is now always available in queries
 - row() now uses a stream when calling execute()
 - check_constraints() now copies args for recursive calls (instead of pass-by-ref)
 - added ORDER BY support to RDQL parser
 - SPARQL constraints now properly use the 'FILTER' keyword
 - SPARQL constraints can now use '&&' as an operator
 - SPARQL namespace declaration is now optional
 Revision 1.1  2005/04/21 02:21:44  greg
 - major changes (resurecting the project)
 - broke out the query parser into it's own RDQL class
 - added initial support for a SPARQL parser
   - added support for blank nodes
   - added lots of syntactic sugar (with blank nodes, multiple predicates and objects)
 - moved model-specific code into RDF::Query::Model::*
 - cleaned up the model-bridge code
 - moving over to redland's query API (pass in the model when query is executed)

 Gregory Williams <gwilliams@cpan.org>
2024-04-30 perl v5.38.2