QwtDate(3) | Qwt User's Guide | QwtDate(3) |
QwtDate - A collection of methods around date/time values.
#include <qwt_date.h>
enum Week0Type { FirstThursday, FirstDay }
enum IntervalType { Millisecond, Second, Minute,
Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year }
enum { JulianDayForEpoch = 2440588 }
static QDate minDate ()
static QDate maxDate ()
static QDateTime toDateTime (double value, Qt::TimeSpec=Qt::UTC)
static double toDouble (const QDateTime &)
static QDateTime ceil (const QDateTime &, IntervalType)
static QDateTime floor (const QDateTime &, IntervalType)
static QDate dateOfWeek0 (int year, Week0Type)
Date of the first day of the first week for a year. static int
weekNumber (const QDate &, Week0Type)
static int utcOffset (const QDateTime &)
static QString toString (const QDateTime &, const QString
&format, Week0Type)
A collection of methods around date/time values.
Qt offers convenient classes for dealing with date/time values, but Qwt uses coordinate systems that are based on doubles. QwtDate offers methods to translate from QDateTime to double and v.v.
A double is interpreted as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 Universal Coordinated Time - also known as 'The Epoch'.
While the range of the Julian day in Qt4 is limited to [0, MAX_INT], Qt5 stores it as qint64 offering a huge range of valid dates. As the significance of a double is below this ( assuming a fraction of 52 bits ) the translation is not bijective with rounding errors for dates very far from Epoch. For a resolution of 1 ms those start to happen for dates above the year 144683.
An axis for a date/time interval is expected to be aligned and divided in time/date units like seconds, minutes, ... QwtDate offers several algorithms that are needed to calculate these axes.
See also:
Classification of an time interval
Time intervals needs to be classified to decide how to align and divide it.
How to identify the first week of year differs between countries.
FirstThursday corresponds to the numbering that is implemented in QDate::weekNumber().
In the U.S. this definition is more common than FirstThursday.
Ceil a datetime according the interval type
See also:
Date of the first day of the first week for a year. The first day of a week depends on the current locale ( QLocale::firstDayOfWeek() ).
See also:
Floor a datetime according the interval type
See also:
Maximum for the supported date range
The range of valid dates depends on how QDate stores the Julian day internally.
See also:
Minimum for the supported date range
The range of valid dates depends on how QDate stores the Julian day internally.
See also:
Translate from double to QDateTime
See also:
Translate from QDateTime to double
See also:
Translate a datetime into a string
Beside the format expressions documented in QDateTime::toString() the following expressions are supported:
As week 1 usually starts in the previous year a special rule is applied for formats, where the year is expected to match the week number - even if the date belongs to the previous year.
See also:
Offset in seconds from Coordinated Universal Time
The offset depends on the time specification of dateTime:
For Qt::LocalTime the offset depends on the timezone and daylight savings.
Find the week number of a date
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Wed Jan 2 2019 | Version 6.1.4 |