Proc::Guard(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Proc::Guard(3pm)

Proc::Guard - process runner with RAII pattern

    use Test::TCP qw/empty_port wait_port/;
    use File::Which qw/which/;
    use Proc::Guard;
    my $port = empty_port();
    my $proc = proc_guard(scalar(which('memcached')), '-p', $port);
    # your code here
    # --------------
    # or, use perl code
    my $proc = proc_guard(sub {
        ... # run this code in child process

Proc::Guard runs process, and destroys it when the perl script exits.

This is useful for testing code working with server process.

This is shorthand for:

        command => \@cmdline,


        code => \&code,

Create and run a process. The process is terminated when the returned object is being DESTROYed.
    Proc::Guard->new(command => '/path/to/memcached');
    # or
    Proc::Guard->new(command => ['/path/to/memcached', '-p', '11211']);

The command line.

    Proc::Guard->new(code => sub { ... });

'code' or 'command' is required.

    Proc::Guard->new(auto_start => 0);

Start child process automatically or not(default: 1).

Returns process id (or undef if not running).
Starts process.
Stops process.

The last exit status code by "$proc->stop". If "waitpid" failed with an error, this will be set to "undef".

Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF GMAIL COM>

Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-11-19 perl v5.36.0