Pithub::Repos::Contents(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Pithub::Repos::Contents(3pm)

Pithub::Repos::Contents - Github v3 Repo Contents API

version 0.01041

This method will return a 302 to a URL to download a tarball or zipball archive for a repository.

Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire quickly.

    GET /repos/:user/:repo/:archive_format/:ref

The "ref" parameter is optional and will default to "master".


    use Path::Tiny;
    my $c = Pithub::Repos::Contents->new(
        repo => 'Pithub',
        user => 'plu'
    my $result = $c->archive( archive_format => 'tarball' );
    if ( $result->success ) {
    $result = $c->archive( archive_format => 'tarball', ref => 'other_branch' );
    if ( $result->success ) {

This method returns the contents of any file or directory in a repository.

    GET /repos/:user/:repo/contents/:path

Optional Parameters:

ref: Optional string - The String name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to "master".


    my $c = Pithub::Repos::Contents->new(
        repo => 'Pithub',
        user => 'plu'
    # List all files/directories in the repo root
    my $result = $c->get;
    if ( $result->success ) {
        say $_->{name} for @{ $result->content };
    # Get the Pithub.pm file
    $result = $c->get( path => 'lib/Pithub.pm' );
    print Dumper $result->content if $result->success;

This method returns the preferred README for a repository.

    GET /repos/:user/:repo/readme

Optional Parameters:

ref: Optional string - The String name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to "master".


    my $c = Pithub::Repos::Contents->new(
        repo => 'dotfiles',
        user => 'plu'
    my $result = $c->readme;
    if ( $result->success ) {
        print Dumper $result->content;
    # Get the readme of branch 'other_branch'
    $result = $c->readme( params => { ref => 'other_branch' } );
    print Dumper $result->content if $result->success;

Johannes Plunien <plu@cpan.org>

This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Johannes Plunien.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2023-09-02 perl v5.36.0