PPIx::DocumentName(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation PPIx::DocumentName(3pm)

PPIx::DocumentName - Utility to extract a name from a PPI Document

version 1.01

New API:

 use PPIx::DocumentName 1.00 -api => 1;
 my $result = PPIx::DocumentName->extract( $ppi_document );
 # say the "name" of the document
 say $result->name;
 # the result object can also be stringified into the name found:
 say "$result";
 # the line number, column, filename etc. where the name was found
 my $location = $result->node->location;

Old API:

 use PPIx::DocumentName;  # assumes -api => 0
 my $name = PPIx::DocumentName->extract( $ppi_document );
 # say the "name" of the document
 say $name;

This module contains a few utilities for extracting a "name" out of an arbitrary Perl file.

Typically, this is the "module" name, in the form:

  package Foo

However, it also supports extraction of an override statement in the form:

  # PODNAME: OverrideName::Goes::Here

Which may be more applicable for documents that lack a "package" statement, or the "package" statement may be "wrong", but they still need the document parsed under the guise of having a name ( for purposes such as POD )

 my $result = PPIx::Document->extract( $ppi_document);

This will first attempt to extract a name via the "PODNAME: " comment notation, and then fall back to using a "package Package::Name" statement.

$ppi_document is ideally a "PPI::Document", but will be auto-up-cast if it is any of the parameters "PPI::Document->new()" understands.

The $result is the found name as a string under "-api => 0" and a PPIx::DocumentName::Result object under "-api => 1". If the name is not found, then it will be "undef" (with either API). Note that PPIx::DocumentName::Result is stringified to the found name, so in many circumstances the new API can be used in the same way as the old.

  my $result = PPIx::DocumentName->extract_via_statement( $ppi_document );

This only extract "package Package::Name" statement based document names.

$ppi_document is ideally a "PPI::Document", but will be auto-up-cast if it is any of the parameters "PPI::Document->new()" understands.

The $result is the found name as a string under "-api => 0" and a PPIx::DocumentName::Result object under "-api => 1". If the name is not found, then it will be "undef" (with either API).

  my $result = PPIx::DocumentName->extract_via_comment( $ppi_document );

This will only extract "PODNAME: " comment based document names.

$ppi_document is ideally a "PPI::Document", but will be auto-up-cast if it is any of the parameters "PPI::Document->new()" understands.

The $result is the found name as a string under "-api => 0" and a PPIx::DocumentName::Result object under "-api => 1". If the name is not found, then it will be "undef" (with either API).

The newer API ("-api => 1") is packaged scoped in Perl 5.6 and 5.8. In newer Perls the API is block scoped as it should be. Because this can cause bugs if you are using an older version of Perl this module will complain loudly if you are using an older Perl with the newer API. If you don't like the warning, then either use the old API or upgrade to Perl 5.10+.

Under the older API ("-api => 0"; the default), "extract_via_statement", unlike the other methods in this module, returns empty list instead of undef when it does find a name. When using the newer API ("-api => 1"), calls are consistent in scalar and list context. New code should therefore use the newer API.

Other things I could have called this

Modules that are perceptibly similar to this ones tasks ( but are subtly different in important ways ) are as follows:

The bulk of this logic was extrapolated from "Pod::Weaver::Section::Name" and a related role, "Pod::Weaver::Role::StringFromComment".

Thanks to "RJBS" <cpan:///author/RJBS> for the initial implementation and "DROLSKY" <cpan:///author/DROLSKY> for some of the improvement patches.

This software is copyright (c) 2015-2021 by Kent Fredric <kentfredric@gmail.com>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2021-09-30 perl v5.32.1