FITS(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation FITS(3pm)

PDL::CCS::IO::FITS - PDL::IO::FITS wrappers for PDL::CCS::Nd

 use PDL;
 use PDL::CCS::Nd;
 use PDL::CCS::IO::FITS;
 $ccs = PDL::CCS::Nd->newFromWhich($which,$nzvals);
 ccs_wfits($ccs,$fname);         # write a pair of FITS files
 $ccs2 = ccs_readfits($fname);   # read a pair of FITS files

Write a pair of FITS files using PDL::IO::FITS::wfits(). Piddles of type indx will be implicitly converted to long, since they are not currently supported by PDL::IO::FITS in PDL v2.014.


Options %opts:

 Header      => $Header,       ##-- default="$fname.hdr"
 ixFile      => $ixFile,       ##-- default="$fname.ix.fits"
 nzFile      => $nzFile,       ##-- default="$"

Read a pair of FITS files using PDL::IO::FITS::rfits().

 $ccs = ccs_rfits($fname)
 $ccs = ccs_rfits($fname,\%opts)

Options %opts:

 Header   => $Header,      ##-- default="$fname.hdr"
 ixFile   => $ixFile,      ##-- default="$fname.ix.fits"
 nzFile   => $nzFile,      ##-- default="$"
 sorted   => $bool,        ##-- is data on disk already sorted? (default=1)

Perl by Larry Wall.

PDL by Karl Glazebrook, Tuomas J. Lukka, Christian Soeller, and others.

Bryan Jurish <>

Copyright (C) 2015-2022, Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved.

This package is free software, and entirely without warranty. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl, PDL, PDL::CCS::Nd, PDL::CCS::IO::FastRaw, PDL::CCS::IO::MatrixMarket, PDL::CCS::IO::LDAC, ...

2024-03-31 perl v5.38.2