PAPI_reset(3) PAPI PAPI_reset(3)

PAPI_reset - Reset the hardware event counts in an event set.

C Prototype:

#include <papi.h>
int PAPI_reset( int EventSet );


EventSet an integer handle for a PAPI event set as created by PAPI_create_eventset

Return values

PAPI_ESYS A system or C library call failed inside PAPI, see the errno variable.
PAPI_ENOEVST The EventSet specified does not exist.

PAPI_reset() zeroes the values of the counters contained in EventSet. This call assumes an initialized PAPI library and a properly added event set


int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;
int Events[] = {PAPI_TOT_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS};
int ret;
// Create an empty EventSet
ret = PAPI_create_eventset(&EventSet);
if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret);
// Add two events to our EventSet
ret = PAPI_add_events(EventSet, Events, 2);
if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret);
// Start counting
ret = PAPI_start(EventSet);
if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret);
// Stop counting, ignore values
ret = PAPI_stop(EventSet, NULL);
if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret);
// reset the counters in this EventSet
ret = PAPI_reset(EventSet);
if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret);

See also


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Thu Dec 14 2023 Version