NetSDS::App(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation NetSDS::App(3pm)

NetSDS::App - common application superclass

        #!/usr/bin/env perl
        use 5.8.0;
        use warnings;
        use strict;
                conf_file => '/etc/NetSDS/myapp.conf', # default place for config search
                daemon => 1,      # run in daemon mode
                use_pidfile => 1, # write PID file to avoid double processing
                verbose => 0,     # no verbosity
        # Application logic here
        package MyApp;
        use base 'NetSDS::App';
        # Startup hook
        sub start {
                my ($self) = @_;
                # Use configuration
                $self->{listen_port} = $self->conf->{listen_port};
                # Use logging subsystem
                $self->log("info", "Application successfully started with PID=".$self->pid);
        # Main processing hook
        sub process {
                my ($self) = @_;
                print "Hello!";
                # Use verbose output
                $self->speak("Trying to be more verbose");

"NetSDS::App" is a base class for NetSDS applications. It implements common functionality including the following:

        * initialization
        * configuration file processing
        * command line parameters processing
        * application workflow
        * daemonization
        * PID file processing
        * logging
        * event detail records writing
        * default signal handling

New application should be inherited from "NetSDS::App" class directly or via child classes for more specific tasks like CGI, AGI, SMPP and other.

Common application workflow is described on this diagram:

           |        |
        start()     |
           |        |
        process()   --- main_loop()
           |        |
        stop()      |
           |        |

When application is starting "initialize()" method is invoked first. It provides common start time functionality like CLI parameters processing, daemonization, reading configuration.

"initialize()" method may be overwritten in more specific frameworks to change default behaviour of some application types.

Then "main_loop()" method invoked to process main application logic. This method provides three redefinable hooks: "start()", "process()" and "stop()". Theese hooks should be overwritten to implement necessary logic.

Depending on "infinite" flag main_loop() may call process() hook in infinite loop or only once.

"main_loop()" workflow may be redefined in inherited framework to implement some other process flow logic.

On the last step "finalize()" method is invoked to make necessary finalization actions on framework level.

Application class may be provided with a number of parameters that allows to manage application behaviour. For example it may be a configuration file, daemonization mode or debugging flag.

Such parameters are passed to run() method as hash:

                has_conf => 1,
                conf_file => '/etc/sample/file.conf',
                daemon => 1,
                use_pidfile => 1,

Command line parameters may be passed to NetSDS application to override defaults.

These CLI options overrides "conf_file", "debug", "daemon", "verbose" and "name" default parameters that are passed in run() method.


        # Debugging in foreground mode
        ./application --config=/etc/myapp.conf --nodaemon --debug
        # Set application name explicitly
        ./application --name=myapp

Constructor is usually invoked from "run()" class method. It creates application object and set its initial properties from oarameters passed as hash.

Standard parameters are:

        * name - application name
        * debug - set to 1 for debugging
        * daemon - set to 1 for daemonization
        * verbose - set to 1 for more verbosity
        * use_pidfile - set to 1 for PID files processing
        * pid_dir - path to PID files catalog
        * conf_file - path to configuration file
        * has_conf - set to 1 if configuration file is necessary
        * auto_features - set to 1 for auto features inclusion
        * infinite - set to 1 for inifinite loop
This method calls class constructor and then switch to "main_loop()" method.

All method parameters are transparently passed to application constructor.

        #!/usr/bin/env perl
        use 5.8.0;
        use warnings;
        use strict;
                conf_file => '/etc/myapp.conf',
                daemon => 1,
                use_pidfile => 1,
        # **********************************
        # Logic of application
        package MyApp;
        use base 'NetSDS::App';
This method is an accessor to application name allowing to retrieve this or set new one.

        print "My name is " . $self->name;
Read only access to process identifier (PID).

        print "My PID is " . $self->pid;
This method provides an accessor to debugging flag. If application called with --debug option it will return TRUE value.

        if ($self->debug) {
                print "Debug info: " . $debug_data;
This method provides an accessor to verbosity flag.

It may be used to increase application verbosity level if necessary.

        if ($self->verbose) {
                print "I'm working!";

NOTE: This flag is is for normal operations. If you need implement debug output or other development/testing functionality - use debug() instead.

This method is accessor to logger (object of NetSDS::Logger class).

NOTE: There is no need to use this method directly in application. See "log()" method description to understand logging features.

This method is accessor to application configuration represented as hash reference returned by NetSDS::Conf module.

Configuration sample:

        content_dir /var/lib/content
                login netsds
                passwd topsecret

Code sample:

        # Retrieve configuration
        my $content_dir = $self->conf->{content_dir};
        my $kannel_url = $self->conf->{kannel}->{send_url};
Paramters: TRUE if PID file checking required
Paramters: directory name

Paramters: TRUE if application should be a daemon

        if ($self->daemon()) {
                $self->log("info", "Yeah! I'm daemon!");
Automatic features inclusion allowed if TRUE.

        # Switch to infinite loop mode
Paramters: EDR file path
Common application initialization:

1. Reading config if necessary.

2. Daemonize application.

3. Check PID file for already running application instances.

4. Start logger.

5. Prepare default signal handlers.

This method implements automatic features inclusion by application configuration file (see "feature" sections).
Paramters: feature name, class name, parameters (optional)

Returns: feature object

        $self->add_feature('kannel','NetSDS::Feature::Kannel', $self->conf->{feature}->{kannel});
This method called if we need to finish application.
Abstract method for postinitialization procedures execution.

Arguments and return defined in inherited classes. This method should be overwritten in exact application.

Remember that start() methhod is invoked after initialize()

Abstract method for main loop iteration procedures execution.

Arguments and return defined in inherited classes.

This method should be overwritten in exact application.

This method should be rewritten in target class to contain real post processing routines.
This method provide default main loop alghorythm implementation and may be rewritten for alternative logic.

This method provides ablity to write log messages to syslog.


        $self->log("info", "New message arrived with id=$msg_id");
This method extends inherited method functionality with automatically logging this message to syslog.


        if (!$dbh->ping) {
                return $self->error("We have problem with DBMS");
Paramters: list of strings to be written as verbose output

This method implements verbose output to STDOUT.

        $self->speak("Do something");
Paramters: list of EDR records to write

                event => "call",
                status => "rejected",

To add more flexibility to application development "NetSDS::App" framework allows to add pluggable features. Application feature is a class dynamically loaded into application using configuration file parameters.

To use application features developer should do the following:

* set auto_features run() parameter

* create "feature" sections in application as described

* create feature classes inherited from NetSDS::Feature

See samples/

This module is a one bug itself :-)

NetSDS, NetSDS::Class::Abstract, NetSDS::Logger

Fix and cleanup!

Valentyn Solomko <>

Michael Bochkaryov <>

Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Net Style Ltd.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

2021-12-26 perl v5.32.1