Net::UPnP::Device(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Net::UPnP::Device(3pm)

Net::UPnP::Device - Perl extension for UPnP.

    use Net::UPnP::ControlPoint;
    my $obj = Net::UPnP::ControlPoint->new();
    @dev_list = $obj->search(st =>'upnp:rootdevice', mx => 3);
    $devNum= 0;
    foreach $dev (@dev_list) {
        $device_type = $dev->getdevicetype();
        if  ($device_type ne 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1') {
        print "[$devNum] : " . $dev->getfriendlyname() . "\n";
        unless ($dev->getservicebyname('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1')) {
        $condir_service = $dev->getservicebyname('urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1');
        unless (defined(condir_service)) {
        %action_in_arg = (
                'ObjectID' => 0,
                'BrowseFlag' => 'BrowseDirectChildren',
                'Filter' => '*',
                'StartingIndex' => 0,
                'RequestedCount' => 0,
                'SortCriteria' => '',
        $action_res = $condir_service->postcontrol('Browse', \%action_in_arg);
        unless ($action_res->getstatuscode() == 200) {
        $actrion_out_arg = $action_res->getargumentlist();
        unless ($actrion_out_arg->{'Result'}) {
        $result = $actrion_out_arg->{'Result'};
        while ($result =~ m/<dc:title>(.*?)<\/dc:title>/sgi) {
            print "\t$1\n";

The package is used a object of UPnP device.

    $description = $dev->getdescription(
                                name => $name # undef

Get the device description of the SSDP location header.

The function returns the all description when the name parameter is not specified, otherwise return a value the specified name.

    $description = $dev->getdevicetype();

Get the device type from the device description.

    $friendlyname = $dev->getfriendlyname();

Get the friendly name from the device description.

    $manufacturer = $dev->getmanufacturer();

Get the manufacturer name from the device description.

    $manufacturer_url = $dev->getmanufacturerrul();

Get the manufacturer url from the device description.

    $model_description = $dev->getmodeldescription();

Get the model description from the device description.

    $model_name = $dev->getmodelname();

Get the model name from the device description.

    $model_number = $dev->getmodelnumber();

Get the model number from the device description.

    $model_url = $dev->getmodelurl();

Get the model url from the device description.

    $serialnumber = $dev->getserialnumber();

Get the model description from the device description.

    $udn = $dev->getudn();

Get the UDN from the device description.

    $upc = $dev->getupc();

Get the UPC from the device description.

    @service_list = $dev->getservicelist();

Get the service list in the device. Please see Net::UPnP::Service too.


Satoshi Konno


Copyright (C) 2005 by Satoshi Konno

It may be used, redistributed, and/or modified under the terms of BSD License.

2022-12-06 perl v5.36.0