Net::SIP::Debug(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Net::SIP::Debug(3pm)

Net::SIP::Debug - debugging of Net::SIP

  use Net::SIP::Debug '1';
  use Net::SIP::Debug qw( Net::SIP*=0 Registrar=1 );
  perl -MNet::SIP::Debug=1

Provides debugging support for Net::SIP. Debugging can be enabled/disabled globally or per package and optional per subpackage.

It provides support for different debugging levels, e.g. the higher the level, the more debugging is done. The following levels are used:

Extracts everything from arguments given to "use" which might be usable by level and forwards rest to Exporter.

If the argument is a reference to a subroutine it will be used for showing the debug message instead of printing it to STDERR. In this case the usual prefixes incl the time will not be added (useful for forwarding debug to syslog).

Enables/disables debugging depending on @ARGS. @ARGS might contain the following specifications:
NUMBER will be interpreted as the debugging level. It's used in debug etc to print only debug message which a level lower or equal to NUMBER.
Enables debugging for package PACKAGE. PACKAGE might be a fully qualified package (e.g. "Net::SIP::Registrar") or the "Net" or "Net::SIP" might be omitted ("Registrar"). If a "*" is added the debugging will also be enabled for subpackages, e.g. "Endpoint*" will enable debugging for Net::SIP::Endpoint and Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context too.
Similar to the previous item, but this sets debugging level to NUMBER for the specified packages and thus can also be used to selectively disable debugging for some packages.

If @ARGS is empty it will return the debugging level for the package which called this method (the first package in the caller stack which is not Net::SIP::Debug itself).

Sets prefix used for debug messages to PREFIX. Default prefix is 'DEBUG:' but for instance for forking applications it might be useful to change this to "DEBUG($$):" or similar.

If debugging is enabled it will print debugging info to STDERR. If multiple arguments are given to the function they will be fed into sprintf to create a single message.

If the first argument looks like a number (see looks_like_number in Scalar::Util) it will be interpreted as the debug level for this message, e.g. if it is higher than the user specified debug level the message will not be printed.

The MESSAGE (or the result from "sprintf(FMT,@ARG)") will be prefixed by the caller package, the caller function and the line from which DEBUG was called. In front of the prefix the current time (as float time_t) and the string "DEBUG:" will be added.

If the message consists of multiple lines each line will be prefixed by the prefix and all but the first line will also have a TAB added between prefix and message data.

The function is by default exported as DEBUG and can by exported as debug too.

Will call debug with the output from Data::Dumpers Dumper if debugging is enabled. If @DATA has more than one item it will be fed as reference into Dumper, otherwise only the single item will be fed to Dumper. For the meaning of LEVEL see debug.

This function is exported by default.

Uses the arguments in debug, but instead of writing a debug message to STDERR it will be used in Carp::longmess. Returns string with stacktrace.
This is used internally for tracking leaks. It will rebless REF into a new class which behaves like the old one. Calls of LEAK_TRACK and DESTROY on this class will be tracked and shown. If Devel::Peek can be loaded it will Dump information about the REF on each call to LEAK_TRACK.

Exported by default.

This variable is set to false if all kind of debugging is disabled. This variable is exported by default. It should not be changed. It is intended to be used as a quick check to save expensive calls of debugging functions if no debugging will be used anyway, i.e.:

    $DEBUG && DEBUG(...)
2023-09-29 perl v5.36.0