Net::Frame::Dump::Online - tcpdump like implementation, online
use Net::Frame::Dump::Online;
# Simply create a Dump object
my $oDump = Net::Frame::Dump::Online->new(
dev => 'eth0',
# Gather frames
while (1) {
if (my $f = $oDump->next) {
my $raw = $f->{raw};
my $firstLayerType = $f->{firstLayer};
my $timestamp = $f->{timestamp};
# Create a Dump object, using on-event loop
sub callOnRecv {
my ($h, $data) = @_;
print "Data: $data\n";
my $oSimple = Net::Frame::Simple->newFromDump($h);
print $oSimple->print."\n";
my $oDumpEvent = Net::Frame::Dump::Online->new(
dev => 'eth0',
onRecv => \&callOnRecv,
onRecvCount => 1,
onRecvData => 'test',
# Will block here, until $onRecvCount packets read, or a stop() call has
# been performed.
# Default parameters on creation
my $oDumpDefault = Net::Frame::Dump::Online->new(
dev => undef,
timeoutOnNext => 3,
timeout => 0,
promisc => 0,
unlinkOnStop => 1,
file => "netframe-tmp-$$.$int.pcap",
filter => '',
overwrite => 0,
isRunning => 0,
keepTimestamp => 0,
onRecvCount => -1,
frames => [],
This module implements a tcpdump-like program, for live capture
from networks.
- dev
- The network interface to listen on. No default value.
- timeoutOnNext
- Each time you call next method, an internal counter is updated.
This counter tells you if you have not received any data since
timeoutOnNext seconds. When a timeout occurred, timeout is
set to true.
- timeout
- When timeoutOnNext seconds has been reached, this variable is set
to true, and never reset. See timeoutReset if you want to reset
- snaplen
- If you want to capture a different snaplen, set it a number. Default to
- promisc
- By default, interface is not put into promiscuous mode, set this parameter
to true if you want it.
- unlinkOnStop
- When you call stop method, the generated .pcap file is removed,
unless you set this parameter to a false value.
- onRecv
- If you place a reference to a sub in this attribute, it will be called
each time a packet is received on the interface. See SYNOPSIS for
an example usage.
- onRecvData
- This parameter will store additional data to be passed to onRecv
- onRecvCount
- By default, it is set to read forever packets that reach your network
interface. Set it to a positive value to read only onRecvCount
The following are inherited attributes:
- file
- Name of the generated .pcap file. See SYNOPSIS for the default
- filter
- Pcap filter to use. Default to no filter.
- overwrite
- Overwrites a .pcap file that already exists. Default to not.
- firstLayer
- Stores information about the first layer type contained on read frame.
This attribute is filled only after a call to start method.
- isRunning
- Returns true if a call to start has been done, false otherwise or
if a call to stop has been done.
- keepTimestamp
- Sometimes, when frames are captured and saved to a .pcap file, timestamps
sucks. That is, you send a frame, and receive the reply, but your request
appear to have been sent after the reply. So, to correct that, you can use
Net::Frame::Dump own timestamping system. The default is 0. Set it
manually to 1 if you need original .pcap frames timestamps.
- new
- new (hash)
- Object constructor. You can pass attributes that will overwrite default
ones. See SYNOPSIS for default values.
- start
- When you want to start reading frames from network, call this method.
- stop
- When you want to stop reading frames from network, call this method.
- next
- Returns the next captured frame; undef if none awaiting. Each time this
method is called, a comparison is done to see if no frame has been
captured during timeoutOnNext number of seconds. If so,
timeout attribute is set to 1 to reflect the pending timeout.
- store
(Net::Frame::Simple object)
- This method will store internally, sorted, the Net::Frame::Simple
object passed as a single parameter. getKey methods, implemented in
various Net::Frame::Layer objects will be used to efficiently
retrieve (via getKeyReverse method) frames.
Basically, it is used to make recv method (from
Net::Frame::Simple) to retrieve quickly the reply frame for a
request frame.
- getFramesFor
(Net::Frame::Simple object)
- This will return an array of possible reply frames for the specified
Net::Frame::Simple object. For example, reply frames for a UDP
probe will be all the frames which have the same source port and
destination port as the request.
- flush
- Will flush stored frames, the one which have been stored via store
- timeoutReset
- Reset the internal timeout state (timeout attribute).
- getStats
- Tries to get packet statistics on an open descriptor. It returns a
reference to a hash that has to following fields: ps_recv,
ps_drop, ps_ifdrop.
- isFather
- isSon
- These methods will tell you if your current process is respectively the
father, or son process of Net::Frame::Dump::Online object.
Copyright (c) 2006-2020, Patrice <GomoR> Auffret
You may distribute this module under the terms of the Artistic
license. See LICENSE.Artistic file in the source distribution archive.