MooseX::Types::Combine(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation MooseX::Types::Combine(3pm)

MooseX::Types::Combine - Combine type libraries for exporting

version 0.50

    package CombinedTypeLib;
    use base 'MooseX::Types::Combine';
    __PACKAGE__->provide_types_from(qw/TypeLib1 TypeLib2/);
    package UserClass;
    use CombinedTypeLib qw/Type1 Type2 ... /;

Allows you to create a single class that will allow you to export types from multiple type libraries:

    package TransportTypes;
    use base 'MooseX::Types::Combine';
    __PACKAGE__->provide_types_from(qw/ MotorizedTypes UnmotorizedTypes /);

In this example all types defined in "MotorizedTypes" and "UnmotorizedTypes" are available through the "TransportTypes" combined type library.

    package SkiingTrip;
    use Moose;
    use TransportTypes qw( CarType SkisType );
    has car => ( is => 'ro', isa => CarType, required => 1 );
    has ski_rack => ( is => 'ro', isa => ArrayRef[SkisType], required => 1 );

Libraries on the right end of the list passed to "provide_types_from" take precedence over those on the left in case of conflicts. So, in the above example if both the "MotorizedTypes" and "UnmotorizedTypes" libraries provided a "Bike" type, you'd get the bicycle from "UnmotorizedTypes" not the motorbike from "MorotizedTypes".

You can also further combine combined type libraries with additional type libraries or other combined type libraries in the same way to provide even larger type libraries:

    package MeetingTransportTypes;
    use base 'MooseX::Types::Combine';
    __PACKAGE__->provide_types_from(qw/ TransportTypes TelepresenceTypes /);

Sets or returns a list of type libraries (or combined type libraries) to re-export from.

Returns a list of all known types by their name.


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Robert "phaylon" Sedlacek <>

This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Robert "phaylon" Sedlacek.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2022-06-16 perl v5.34.0