MooX::Role::CloneSet(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | MooX::Role::CloneSet(3pm) |
MooX::Role::CloneSet - create updated copies of immutable objects
package Someone; use Moo; with 'MooX::Role::CloneSet'; has name => ( is => 'ro', ); has race => ( is => 'ro', ); package main; my $first = Someone->new(name => 'Drizzt', race => 'drow'); my $hybrid = $first->cset(race => 'dwarf'); my $final = $weird->cset(name => 'Catti-brie', race => 'human');
"MooX::Role::CloneSet" is a role for immutable objects, providing an easy way to create a new object with some modified properties. It provides the "cset()" method that creates a new object with the specified changes, shallowly copying all the rest of the original object's properties.
Shallowly clone the object, making the specified changes to its attributes.
Note that this method obtains the names and values of the current attributes by dereferencing the object as a hash reference; since Moo does not provide metaclasses by default, it cannot really get to them in any other way. This will not work for parameters that declare an "init_arg"; see "MooX::Role::CloneSet::BuildArgs" for an alternative if using truly immutable objects.
Copyright (C) 2016 Peter Pentchev <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Peter Pentchev <>
2023-07-25 | perl v5.36.0 |