Monitoring::Livestatus(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Monitoring::Livestatus(3pm)

Monitoring::Livestatus - Perl API for check_mk livestatus to access runtime data from Nagios and Icinga

    use Monitoring::Livestatus;
    my $ml = Monitoring::Livestatus->new(
      socket => '/var/lib/livestatus/livestatus.sock'
    my $hosts = $ml->selectall_arrayref("GET hosts");

This module connects via socket/tcp to the livestatus addon for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken. You first have to install and activate the livestatus addon in your monitoring installation.

Creates an "Monitoring::Livestatus" object. "new" takes at least the socketpath. Arguments are in key-value pairs.

path to the UNIX socket of check_mk livestatus
uses this server for a TCP connection
alternative way to set socket or server, if value contains ':' server is used, else socket
human readable name for this connection, defaults to the the socket/server address
verbose mode
ascii code of the line separator, defaults to 10, (newline)
ascii code of the column separator, defaults to 0 (null byte)
ascii code of the list separator, defaults to 44 (comma)
ascii code of the host/service separator, defaults to 124 (pipe)
enable keepalive. Default is off
errors will die with an error message. Default: on
show warnings currently only querys without Columns: Header will result in a warning
set a general timeout. Used for connect and querys, no default
set a query timeout. Used for retrieving querys, Default 60sec
set a connect timeout. Used for initial connections, default 5sec

If the constructor is only passed a single argument, it is assumed to be a the "peer" specification. Use either socker OR server.

 do($statement, %opts)

Send a single statement without fetching the result. Always returns true.

 selectall_arrayref($statement, %opts)
 selectall_arrayref($statement, %opts, $limit )

Sends a query and returns an array reference of arrays

    my $arr_refs = $ml->selectall_arrayref("GET hosts");

to get an array of hash references do something like

    my $hash_refs = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
      "GET hosts", { Slice => {} }

to get an array of hash references from the first 2 returned rows only

    my $hash_refs = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
      "GET hosts", { Slice => {} }, 2

you may use limit to limit the result to this number of rows

column aliases can be defined with a rename hash

    my $hash_refs = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
      "GET hosts", {
        Slice => {},
        rename => {
          'name' => 'host_name'

 selectall_hashref($statement, $key_field)
 selectall_hashref($statement, $key_field, %opts)

Sends a query and returns a hashref with the given key

    my $hashrefs = $ml->selectall_hashref("GET hosts", "name");

 selectcol_arrayref($statement, %opt )

Sends a query an returns an arrayref for the first columns

    my $array_ref = $ml->selectcol_arrayref("GET hosts\nColumns: name");
    $VAR1 = [

returns an empty array if nothing was found

to get a different column use this

    my $array_ref = $ml->selectcol_arrayref(
       "GET hosts\nColumns: name contacts",
       { Columns => [2] }
 you can link 2 columns in a hash result set
    my %hash = @{
        "GET hosts\nColumns: name contacts",
        { Columns => [1,2] }

produces a hash with host the contact assosiation

    $VAR1 = {
              'localhost' => 'user1',
              'gateway'   => 'user2'

 selectrow_array($statement, %opts)

Sends a query and returns an array for the first row

    my @array = $ml->selectrow_array("GET hosts");

returns undef if nothing was found

 selectrow_arrayref($statement, %opts)

Sends a query and returns an array reference for the first row

    my $arrayref = $ml->selectrow_arrayref("GET hosts");

returns undef if nothing was found

 selectrow_hashref($statement, %opt)

Sends a query and returns a hash reference for the first row

    my $hashref = $ml->selectrow_hashref("GET hosts");

returns undef if nothing was found

 selectscalar_value($statement, %opt)

Sends a query and returns a single scalar

    my $count = $ml->selectscalar_value("GET hosts\nStats: state = 0");

returns undef if nothing was found


Enable or disable fatal errors. When enabled the module will confess on any error.

returns the current setting if called without new value


Enable or disable warnings. When enabled the module will carp on warnings.

returns the current setting if called without new value


Enable or disable verbose output. When enabled the module will dump out debug output

returns the current setting if called without new value


returns the current peer address

when using multiple backends, a list of all addresses is returned in list context


if new value is set, name is set to this value

always returns the current peer name

when using multiple backends, a list of all names is returned in list context


returns a uniq key for this peer

 $ml->post_processing($result, $options, $keys)

returns postprocessed result.

Useful when using select based io.

In addition to the normal query syntax from the livestatus addon, it is possible to set column aliases in various ways.

adds the peers name, addr and key to the result set:

 my $hosts = $ml->selectall_hashref(
   "GET hosts\nColumns: name alias state",
   { AddPeer => 1 }

send the query only to some specific backends. Only useful when using multiple backends.

 my $hosts = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
   "GET hosts\nColumns: name alias state",
   { Backends => [ 'key1', 'key4' ] }

    only return the given column indexes
    my $array_ref = $ml->selectcol_arrayref(
       "GET hosts\nColumns: name contacts",
       { Columns => [2] }
  see L<selectcol_arrayref> for more examples

    deep copy/clone the result set.
    Only effective when using multiple backends and threads.
    This can be safely turned off if you don't change the
    result set.
    If you get an error like "Invalid value for shared scalar" error" this
    should be turned on.
    my $array_ref = $ml->selectcol_arrayref(
       "GET hosts\nColumns: name contacts",
       { Deepcopy => 1 }

    Just like the Limit: <nr> option from livestatus itself.
    In addition you can add a start,length limit.
    my $array_ref = $ml->selectcol_arrayref(
       "GET hosts\nColumns: name contacts",
       { Limit => "10,20" }
    This example will return 20 rows starting at row 10. You will
    get row 10-30.
    Cannot be combined with a Limit inside the query
    because a Limit will be added automatically.
    Adding a limit this way will greatly increase performance and
    reduce memory usage.
    This option is multibackend safe contrary to the "Limit: " part of a statement.
    Sending a statement like "GET...Limit: 10" with 3 backends will result in 30 rows.
    Using this options, you will receive only the first 10 rows.

  see L<COLUMN ALIAS> for detailed explainaton

  see L<selectall_arrayref> for detailed explainaton

The Sum option only applies when using multiple backends. The values from all backends with be summed up to a total.

 my $stats = $ml->selectrow_hashref(
   "GET hosts\nStats: state = 0\nStats: state = 1",
   { Sum => 1 }

In addition to the normal query syntax from the livestatus addon, it is possible to set column aliases in various ways.

A valid Columns: Header could look like this:

 my $hosts = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
   "GET hosts\nColumns: state as status"

Stats queries could be aliased too:

 my $stats = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
   "GET hosts\nStats: state = 0 as up"

This syntax is available for: Stats, StatsAnd, StatsOr and StatsGroupBy

An alternative way to set column aliases is to define rename option key/value pairs:

 my $hosts = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
   "GET hosts\nColumns: name", {
     rename => { 'name' => 'hostname' }


Extract column keys from statement.

Errorhandling can be done like this:

    use Monitoring::Livestatus;
    my $ml = Monitoring::Livestatus->new(
      socket => '/var/lib/livestatus/livestatus.sock'
    my $hosts = $ml->selectall_arrayref("GET hosts");
    if($Monitoring::Livestatus::ErrorCode) {

For more information about the query syntax and the livestatus plugin installation see the Livestatus page:

Sven Nierlein, 2009-present, <>

Copyright (C) by Sven Nierlein

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-12-02 perl v5.36.0