MongoDB::UpdateResult(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation MongoDB::UpdateResult(3pm)

MongoDB::UpdateResult - MongoDB update result object

version v2.2.2

    my $result = $coll->update( @parameters );
    if ( $result->acknowledged ) {

This class encapsulates the results from an update or replace operations.

The number of documents that matched the filter.

The number of documents that were modified. Note: this is only available from MongoDB version 2.6 or later. It will return "undef" from earlier servers.

You can call "has_modified_count" to find out if this attribute is defined or not.

The identifier of the inserted document if an upsert took place. If no upsert took place, it returns "undef".

Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. Always true for this class.

Throws an error if write errors or write concern errors occurred. Otherwise, returns the invocant.

Throws a MongoDB::WriteError if write errors occurred. Otherwise, returns the invocant.

Throws a MongoDB::WriteConcernError if write concern errors occurred. Otherwise, returns the invocant.

This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by MongoDB, Inc.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
2022-06-30 perl v5.34.0