Mojo::Util(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mojo::Util(3pm)

Mojo::Util - Portable utility functions

  use Mojo::Util qw(b64_encode url_escape url_unescape);
  my $str = 'test=23';
  my $escaped = url_escape $str;
  say url_unescape $escaped;
  say b64_encode $escaped, '';

Mojo::Util provides portable utility functions for Mojo.

Mojo::Util implements the following functions, which can be imported individually.

  my $bytes = b64_decode $b64;

Base64 decode bytes with MIME::Base64.

  my $b64 = b64_encode $bytes;
  my $b64 = b64_encode $bytes, "\n";

Base64 encode bytes with MIME::Base64, the line ending defaults to a newline.

  my $camelcase = camelize $snakecase;

Convert "snake_case" string to "CamelCase" and replace "-" with "::".

  # "FooBar"
  camelize 'foo_bar';
  # "FooBar::Baz"
  camelize 'foo_bar-baz';
  # "FooBar::Baz"
  camelize 'FooBar::Baz';

  my $file = class_to_file 'Foo::Bar';

Convert a class name to a file.

  # "foo_bar"
  class_to_file 'Foo::Bar';
  # "foobar"
  class_to_file 'FOO::Bar';
  # "foo_bar"
  class_to_file 'FooBar';
  # "foobar"
  class_to_file 'FOOBar';

  my $path = class_to_path 'Foo::Bar';

Convert class name to path, as used by %INC.

  # "Foo/"
  class_to_path 'Foo::Bar';
  # ""
  class_to_path 'FooBar';

  my $snakecase = decamelize $camelcase;

Convert "CamelCase" string to "snake_case" and replace "::" with "-".

  # "foo_bar"
  decamelize 'FooBar';
  # "foo_bar-baz"
  decamelize 'FooBar::Baz';
  # "foo_bar-baz"
  decamelize 'foo_bar-baz';

  my $chars = decode 'UTF-8', $bytes;

Decode bytes to characters with Encode, or return "undef" if decoding failed.

  deprecated 'foo is DEPRECATED in favor of bar';

Warn about deprecated feature from perspective of caller. You can also set the "MOJO_FATAL_DEPRECATIONS" environment variable to make them die instead with Carp.

  my $perl = dumper {some => 'data'};

Dump a Perl data structure with Data::Dumper.

  my $bytes = encode 'UTF-8', $chars;

Encode characters to bytes with Encode.

  my $usage = extract_usage;
  my $usage = extract_usage '/home/sri/foo.pod';

Extract usage message from the SYNOPSIS section of a file containing POD documentation, defaults to using the file this function was called from.

  # "Usage: APPLICATION test [OPTIONS]\n"
  =head1 SYNOPSIS

    'H|headers=s' => \my @headers,
    't|timeout=i' => \my $timeout,
    'v|verbose'   => \my $verbose;
  getopt $array,
    'H|headers=s' => \my @headers,
    't|timeout=i' => \my $timeout,
    'v|verbose'   => \my $verbose;
  getopt $array, ['pass_through'],
    'H|headers=s' => \my @headers,
    't|timeout=i' => \my $timeout,
    'v|verbose'   => \my $verbose;

Extract options from an array reference with Getopt::Long, but without changing its global configuration, defaults to using @ARGV. The configuration options "no_auto_abbrev" and "no_ignore_case" are enabled by default.

  # Extract "charset" option
  getopt ['--charset', 'UTF-8'], 'charset=s' => \my $charset;
  say $charset;

  my $uncompressed = gunzip $compressed;

Uncompress bytes with IO::Compress::Gunzip.

  my $compressed = gzip $uncompressed;

Compress bytes with IO::Compress::Gzip.

  my ($params, $remainder) = header_params 'one=foo; two="bar", three=baz';

Extract HTTP header field parameters until the first comma according to RFC 5987 <>. Note that this function is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

  my $checksum = hmac_sha1_sum $bytes, 'passw0rd';

Generate HMAC-SHA1 checksum for bytes with Digest::SHA.

  # "11cedfd5ec11adc0ec234466d8a0f2a83736aa68"
  hmac_sha1_sum 'foo', 'passw0rd';

  my $str = html_attr_unescape $escaped;

Same as "html_unescape", but handles special rules from the HTML Living Standard <> for HTML attributes.

  # "foo=bar&ltest=baz"
  html_attr_unescape 'foo=bar&ltest=baz';
  # "foo=bar<est=baz"
  html_attr_unescape 'foo=bar&lt;est=baz';

  my $str = html_unescape $escaped;

Unescape all HTML entities in string.

  # "<div>"
  html_unescape '&lt;div&gt;';

  my $str = humanize_bytes 1234;

Turn number of bytes into a simplified human readable format.

  # "1B"
  humanize_bytes 1;
  # "7.5GiB"
  humanize_bytes 8007188480;
  # "13GiB"
  humanize_bytes 13443399680;
  # "-685MiB"
  humanize_bytes -717946880;

  my $checksum = md5_bytes $bytes;

Generate binary MD5 checksum for bytes with Digest::MD5.

  my $checksum = md5_sum $bytes;

Generate MD5 checksum for bytes with Digest::MD5.

  # "acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8"
  md5_sum 'foo';

  monkey_patch $package, foo => sub {...};
  monkey_patch $package, foo => sub {...}, bar => sub {...};

Monkey patch functions into package.

  monkey_patch 'MyApp',
    one   => sub { say 'One!' },
    two   => sub { say 'Two!' },
    three => sub { say 'Three!' };

  my $str = punycode_decode $punycode;

Punycode decode string as described in RFC 3492 <>.

  # "bücher"
  punycode_decode 'bcher-kva';

  my $bool = network_contains $network, $address;

Check that a given address is contained within a network in CIDR form. If the network is a single address, the addresses must be equivalent.

  # True
  network_contains('', '');
  network_contains('', '');
  network_contains('fc00::/7', 'fc::c0:ff:ee');
  # False
  network_contains('', '');
  network_contains('', '');
  network_contains('fc00::/7', '::1');

  my $punycode = punycode_encode $str;

Punycode encode string as described in RFC 3492 <>.

  # "bcher-kva"
  punycode_encode 'bücher';

  my $quoted = quote $str;

Quote string.

  my $guard = scope_guard sub {...};

Create anonymous scope guard object that will execute the passed callback when the object is destroyed.

  # Execute closure at end of scope
    my $guard = scope_guard sub { say "Mojo!" };
    say "Hello";

  my $bool = secure_compare $str1, $str2;

Constant time comparison algorithm to prevent timing attacks. The secret string should be the second argument, to avoid leaking information about the length of the string.

  my $checksum = sha1_bytes $bytes;

Generate binary SHA1 checksum for bytes with Digest::SHA.

  my $checksum = sha1_sum $bytes;

Generate SHA1 checksum for bytes with Digest::SHA.

  # "0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33"
  sha1_sum 'foo';

  my $slug = slugify $string;
  my $slug = slugify $string, $bool;

Returns a URL slug generated from the input string. Non-word characters are removed, the string is trimmed and lowercased, and whitespace characters are replaced by a dash. By default, non-ASCII characters are normalized to ASCII word characters or removed, but if a true value is passed as the second parameter, all word characters will be allowed in the result according to unicode semantics.

  # "joel-is-a-slug"
  slugify 'Joel is a slug';
  # "this-is-my-resume"
  slugify 'This is: my - résumé! ☃ ';
  # "this-is-my-résumé"
  slugify 'This is: my - résumé! ☃ ', 1;
  my $tree = split_cookie_header 'a=b; expires=Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:07:59 GMT';

Same as "split_header", but handles "expires" values from RFC 6265 <>.

   my $tree = split_header 'foo="bar baz"; test=123, yada';

Split HTTP header value into key/value pairs, each comma separated part gets its own array reference, and keys without a value get "undef" assigned.

  # "one"
  split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[0][0];
  # "two"
  split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[0][2];
  # "three four"
  split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[0][3];
  # "five"
  split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[1][0];
  # "six"
  split_header('one; two="three four", five=six')->[1][1];

  my $time = steady_time;

High resolution time elapsed from an arbitrary fixed point in the past, resilient to time jumps if a monotonic clock is available through Time::HiRes.

  my $table = tablify [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'yada']];

Row-oriented generator for text tables.

  # "foo   bar\nyada  yada\nbaz   yada\n"
  tablify [['foo', 'bar'], ['yada', 'yada'], ['baz', 'yada']];

  my $escaped = term_escape $str;

Escape all POSIX control characters except for "\n".

  # "foo\\x09bar\\x0d\n"
  term_escape "foo\tbar\r\n";

  my $trimmed = trim $str;

Trim whitespace characters from both ends of string.

  # "foo bar"
  trim '  foo bar  ';

  my $unindented = unindent $str;

Unindent multi-line string.

  # "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
  unindent "  foo\n  bar\n  baz\n";

  my $str = unquote $quoted;

Unquote string.

  my $escaped = url_escape $str;
  my $escaped = url_escape $str, '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~';

Percent encode unsafe characters in string as described in RFC 3986 <>, the pattern used defaults to "^A-Za-z0-9\-._~".

  # "foo%3Bbar"
  url_escape 'foo;bar';

  my $str = url_unescape $escaped;

Decode percent encoded characters in string as described in RFC 3986 <>.

  # "foo;bar"
  url_unescape 'foo%3Bbar';

  my $escaped = xml_escape $str;

Escape unsafe characters "&", "<", ">", """ and "'" in string, but do not escape Mojo::ByteStream objects.

  # "&lt;div&gt;"
  xml_escape '<div>';
  # "<div>"
  use Mojo::ByteStream qw(b);
  xml_escape b('<div>');

  my $encoded = xor_encode $str, $key;

XOR encode string with variable length key.

Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.

2023-10-28 perl v5.36.0